This weekend:

Spring Menu...
day boat halibut 
Dunhill Ranch lamb cabbage rolls 
Tails 'n' Trotters pork chops 
strawberry-rhubarb crisp  
& much more

We are relocating!!
we have found our new home.
we are happy to say that we have found a new home in Nob Hill.
However, we will need to install a kitchen and that takes time.
How much time? We are not sure.
Please stay posted via email for the quickest & most accurate information.
In the meantime & for the next 2 ½ weeks,
please join us for our current spring menu with last minute seasonal additions!
thank you for your continued love & support.

For investment opportunities,
email Nelle at [email protected]
Subject: investment
We are confidential, quick on return & offer various levels of investments.
The gang at 101!
Jennifer James 101 does not accept reservations via e-mail.
Please call 505-884-3860.
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