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e-Network News - March 2016
Welco me Home Baskets
Want to help make someone's new living space feel like home   We are looking for volunteers to put together Welcome Home Baskets to help create a sense of home for individuals and families who moved into housing from homelessness.
Here's how you can help:

- Organize a volunteer group to help collect donated items needed to create a Welcome Home Basket from this supply list  and assemble the baskets. 

- Deliver to the CHN offices :

570 Kirts Blvd. Suite 231, Troy, MI 48084


Contact  Lisa Fuhr for or visit here for further information.  

Good Neighbors Garden - 
moving day
We are working with the Good Neighbors Garden to find volunteers to help move the community garden to its new location.
What: Help move the garden from 22001 Republic Ave., Oak Park, MI  48237 to its new location at 1615 E. Lewiston Ave., Ferndale, MI 48220
Date: Saturday, April 16 (rain date April 30)
Time: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Interested in helping? Please contact Jarrett Sanders by April 8.
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2014 photo 
This month, we have a double-feature; I'd like to introduce you to Angela Gougherty, the director of Grants and Information Management, and Sarah Sporny, director of Outcomes and Quality Management.
Angela and Sarah work hand-in-hand with our Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and grants and information reporting. HMIS was developed as a mandate from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It's used to obtain a more accurate count of individuals who are homeless and at risk for homelessness and to identify the need for and use of different services by those individuals and families. This information is required by the Oakland County Continuum of Care (CoC) for all
projects receiving HUD and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) dollars.

We are Oakland County's lead for the HMIS project as the information collected impacts HUD funding for all of Oakland County.  Angela and Sarah are CHN employees, but work on behalf of all other agencies within Oakland County to insure data is collected and reported properly.

Dawn Calnen-Pischel, Vice President of Operations, stated, "I n everything we do, quality is our No. 1 goal.  So, as we grew our programs, gathering, evaluating, and acting on data to build upon our successes and produce successful outcomes were a priority.  These vital forces that are now led by two talented leaders allows us to tell our story. We are indeed fulfilling our mission, 'We strengthen communities by connecting people to housing resources.'"

Angela and Sarah's jobs are intertwined. For example, Angela shared that, "In addition to our HMIS role, we have begun developing outcome performance measures for CHN on a project and department-wide basis. In so doing, we hope to identify best practices and areas of improvement for the services offered at CHN. We plan to integrate the measurement tools and results through SharePoint, which provides a collaborative platform for staff at CHN."

Let's turn to Angela and Sarah now and give them a chance to answer a few questions.

How did you become involved with CHN?
Angela Gougherty
Angela: The year was 2011, I was in grad school and my professor shared a job  listing for a position at CHN. This specific initiative was to identify and map out gaps in housing trends for people with  disabilities in Oakland County.  After that my role transitioned to a part-time position in the Development group. I worked on various development grant applications. From this position, I then moved into Grants and Data Management and then into HMIS.
Sarah: I was working at Common Ground as their Manager of Mission Impact and Data Analysis. I worked with Common Ground over a three-year period on quality improvement, data, and compliance.  At this point, Dawn recruited me to come to CHN.  I've been working in housing and homeless related services for the past 18 years.

Sarah Sporny
Is there any special training you had to complete for your job?
Angela/Sarah : There is a TON of HMIS training offered by the Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH) as well as one-on-one training with MCAH staff members. It's extensive, as the system is always changing - basically every six months. We need to keep our training up to date.
Angela's background is urban planning, and Sarah's background is social work.

Can you tell us about any special projects you are working on?
Angela: We are about to roll out our outcome measurement tools. We've identified at least two outcome measures for each department at CHN. We are also updating all of customer satisfaction surveys. There are at least five different types of surveys. We are in the preliminary stages of working to have SharePoint display our information for the board, staff, etc. We want it to be more streamlined and accessible.
Sarah: We are in process of becoming an accredited agency of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Once we have earned the accreditation, we are hoping to work with health plans to assist those experiencing homelessness who have repeat visits to a hospital emergency room. Studies have shown that visits to the ER, for this population, will decrease once the person is housed . Once again, this puts us in a good position to move into the direction of serving all people as requested by the state. Additionally, achieving CARF accreditation demonstrates evidence to the community, persons served, government, and funders of our commitment to quality programs and services. 
I also provide supervision for the social work interns. We are currently working with the schools right now for our next round of student placements.
We are also working towards the CoC's recently announced deadline to end veteran homeless in Oakland County by September 30, 2016.
What is something fun or life changing that you'd like to share?
Angela: I recently returned from a trip to Thailand and Cambodia. I'm super excited that it will be summer soon and I can ride my bike!
Sarah: I'm proud to announce that I have a new six-year old son who has changed my life in wonderful and unexpected ways!
Any parting words of wisdom?
Angela:  When you enjoy the work you do, it doesn't seem like work. When problems around the world seem so vast and out of your control, I look to what can be done locally and how you can improve the quality of life in your own community.

Sarah:  People often ask me "How does a social worker end up in quality and performance management?"  I remind them that it's really not that much of a stretch.  The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. Now think about those we serve and take a look at CHN's mission: We strengthen communities by connecting people to housing resources. CHN's mission aligns well!  I see my job as reviewing the data and outcomes to ensure that CHN's mission is being met, while ensuring that we are using best practices to promote CHN's core values of inclusion, integrity, innovation, and passion. 

I am grateful for Angela's and Sarah's work, as well as the work of all CHN team members.  

Thank you for your ongoing support!
Marc Craig

  With support from: Fair Housing Logo

Community Housing Network | 248-928-0111 | [email protected] | http://www.communityhousingnetwork.org
570 Kirts Boulevard, Suite 231
Troy, MI 48084