Naughty or Nice?
I recently was upset. Suddenly a thought of revenge flashed across my mind. Hey, where did that come from? I have been saved many, many years and consider myself a mature Christian. I know the attitudes and behaviors that please my Lord.   Yet, I still had to battle what I call a "naughty" thought. But when these tests come, I have trained myself to shift immediately to what I call "nice" thoughts, those products of the Holy Spirit which are listed in Galatians 5:22: Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. When I do this, the ugly mind-set evaporates.
At some point this Christmas season you will be required to choose between exasperation and self-control, sadness or joy, fear or faith.  Holiday stress is inevitable. When tempted to be bad-tempered or fearful, remember you don't have to yield to those thoughts and feelings. You can reject them! II Corinthians 10:5 instructs us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
" Remember, how you respond to a situation is more important than the circumstance. When your sinful human nature wants control, you feel naughty. Reject this feeling. Choose, rather, to set your mind on what the Spirit of God desires. (1) He desires you to respond in loving, patient, kind, and " nice" ways. 

'Tis the season to not neglect your daily time in God's presence.  His power will rub off on you strengthening you to confidently and graciously ha ndle any challenge. You will be able to immediately scrub any naughty thoughts and replace them with loving, Christ like thoughts.   God isn't making a list to punish you. Instead, He has given us a way to experience the joy of the season. This Christmas, rejoice His heart by choosing "nice" over "naughty". It could be that this will be your merriest Christmas ever!  

Have a blessed, Christ filled holiday. Know you are very special to me and are in my heart and prayers.


Prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your Holy Spirit living in these precious ladies. Make this Christmas a sweet and special time of remembering all you have given them through your Son, Christ Jesus. Whatever they face in this evil society, may their love for You reflect in their words and actions. Watch over them and reward them with hearts full of joy and optimism this Christmas season."

1. Romans 8:5-9
