Year two of our county-wide
Attendance Awareness Campaign 
is underway!
Theme for January: 
January - I contribute a lot to my class! I contribute...

Key Message:   Absences can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.  Too many absent students can affect the entire classroom, creating commotion and slowing down instruction.


Communication Tools/Strategies:  
Families are crucial to ensuring students attend school every day whether their role is to transport a young child to school or monitor whether their teenager is showing up to class. What families say and do has a big influence on their child's attendance. 

As a member of the school community, it is important to engage and inform parents and guardians about why regular attendance is so important and how quickly a child can fall behind due to too many absences. Attendance Works has developed a  winter messaging toolkit that offers tools for helping parent and community members develop strategies and plans to help children get to school. You might consider sharing their talking points with parents during this upcoming winter season. Check them out here.

Please access the entire Winter Messaging Toolkit on the Attendance Work website:

Engage now, and help us boost school attendance and reduce truancy countywide! You can also follow the status of the county-wide campaign and share the strategies that you are using at your site on on social media

Contra Costa County Office of Education | 925-942-3343
Bookmark our website and check back often for valuable resources.

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