Dr. John B. Cobb Jr, Margaret Starbird and
 Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether
the first three interviews on
Church of Mary Magdalene Radio WOW!!!
Dr. Cobb and Dr. Ruether world famous theologians and
Margaret Starbird an internationally acclaimed writer and scholar who has helped rediscover the missing bride in Christianity- Mary Magdalene. 
Please listen on Rev. Bonnie's website.
Our new home/internet/radio church is off to the races with these fantastic hero/ines!
Dr. John B. Cobb Jr.  a great man, not only because he has shown tremendous leadership in ecology and many other significant social issues of our time, including bringing new ways of ecologic thinking to China, he has taught us process theology-- a way to embrace ancient religion and modern science as we give up our mechanistic world view and "seize an alternative for an ecologic civilization." John Cobb has given  God back to many of us, and he is the best ambassador for Christianity  I ever met. It is  an honored to call him my friend.  
Margaret Starbird  is in the unique position of inspiring Dan Brown's book and movie T he Da Vinci Code which helped to bring on a popular movement to awaken the sleeping beauty in our sleep walking unconscious western world--Mary Magdalene.
Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether was my teacher in seminary at Claremont School of Theology and she continues to inspire me with the vast breadth of her intellectual genius having written over 60 books, 100's of articles and  brought many of us in relationship with  feminist theological movements and ideas from  around the  world. I am eternally grateful for women pioneers and specifically for 
Dr. Ruether in the field of feminist theology.
I give these three radio interview to all of you as a Christmas gift. 
Go to my web site and listen. I apologize that the sound equipment did not work well on Dr. Ruether's interview.
I believe that radio and the internet are great metaphors for God's  invisible love that surrounds and connects us in an interconnected web of life.
Tune in!

Christmas Eve Candle Light and Carol Singing!  Thursday, Dec. 24th  5 pm
followed by a Christmas dinner pot luck. We will provide the turkey and someone has volunteered  to bring potatoes so bring whatever else you like.  

The Meaning of Mary Magdalene
Book Group Monday nights 7-8:30
by Cythnia Bourgeault
New people are welcome to join us in person or on Skype, (bonnie.tarwater)
We have been meeting for two months.
Come explore the idea that intimate relationships between lovers is one of the highest spiritual practices. We follow Mary Magdalene and Jesus into a deep transformative love. Join us in the new year beginning again on Jan. 4 with discussion on Chapter 8-10.

Weekly Thursday Night Dream Group 7-9 pm
In person or on Skype.
We invite the characters and symbols in the dreams to join our sacred circle. Please check out the new Dream Sharing section on the web site to see art work and reflections on dreams.
You are invited to an alcohol free dance party Jan. 31st Thursday at 7 pm for dream group and a dream incubation ritual for the new year followed by a DANCE PARTY
and pot luck. 9-12 midnight.

Save the date May 7, 2015 
The Dreaming World: Creating Local and
Global Dream Communities
Dr. Stephen Aizenstat
The World's Dream Anima Mundi: The Global Dream Initiative
President of Pacifica Graduate Institute
Saturday, May 7th, 2016, 8:30 am -5 pm at the
Congregational Church of La Jolla
 1216 Cave Street, La Jolla, CA 92037
Dream Incubation Ceremony at the beach with a bonfire, ritual, music and guided mediation
Friday May 6th, 5:30 pm-8:30 pm
Join the new San Diego Regional Representatives of IASD, Dr. Deborah Waitley & Rev. Bonnie Tarwater
Event co-sponsored with IASD, DreamingWorld.org, and
The Church of Mary Magdalene

Please join us as we launch our San Diego Regional Chapter of
International Association for the Study of Dreams
 as we create a vital, intentional and compassionate new San Diego community of dreamers; a community that bonds together to share, support, honor and celebrate our inner life and dreams in order to awaken a global consciousness of
oneness and our interconnected web of life.
  EARLY BIRD RATES $75 -95 Member/ Non-member/ Low income
Contact Bonnie (858) 248-5123,  Deborah Waitley (858) 699-3033
for further information
Artist of photo shop image Bonnie Tarwater

The Church of Mary Magdalene a home/internet/radio church Minister Rev. Bonnie Tarwater [email protected] (858) 248-5123, www.revbonnietarwater.com