Commissioner Noack Gears Up for Re-Election:

PRECINCT 3– Montgomery County Commissioner James Noack, a Texas A&M graduate - class of 1995, formally announced his intention to run for re-election in September. First elected in 2012, Noack’s name will appear on the 2016 Republican Primary ballot.

Early voting begins February 16, 2016 and runs through February 26. Election Day is Tuesday, March 1, 2016. 

Check your voter registration status here:

“I’m proud of my accomplishments during the past three years and look forward to serving you another four years," said Commissioner Noack.  "When I asked for your vote in the 2012 Primary I promised: Transparency, Accountability, Accessibility, and Preservation of our Quality of Life. I’m proud to run on my record and the theme 'Promises Made, Promises Kept'.”  

Since taking office, Noack has developed a mobility plan for Precinct 3, improved 37 intersections, turned off the red light cameras, introduced the flashing yellow arrow, successfully passed a road bond securing more funds for Precinct 3, renovated our community centers, and much more.

“As a result of our hard work and diligence, support in the community is strong. We have a terrific grassroots team and solid financial backing." Each day support for Team Noack grows as demonstrated by the Re-Elect Noack signs popping up everywhere in the Precinct. Starting this week watch for Re-Elect Noack yard signs and click here to request your sign today! Team Noack will deliver your sign to your yard!

Commissioner Noack Receives Endorsement from Law Enforcement
  MCLEA  is an organization made up of the men and women who wear a uniform, who stand between a civil society and a criminal one, who stand ready to lay down their lives to protect ours,” said Commissioner Noack. “There is no higher honor than to have the support of these brave men and women.

Click here to read more

"I think this is the single most important project in all of Montgomery County right now," explained Montgomery County Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack, who championed the effort. "This is a great place to live, work, play, and pray. And if you cannot get to where you want to go easily it's going to inhibit all of those. "
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 James Noack Campaign| [email protected] | jamesnoack.com