Weekly Postings
December 4- December 13, 2015
In This Issue

MON. 5:30 PM

TUES. 5:30 PM

WED. 5:00 PM
Outreach (Off-site)

THURS. 12 noon
Building and Grounds

This Sunday December 6
  Our Schedule This Sunday      
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I without music
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Continental Breakfast in Tyler Hall
10:00 AM- 10:50 AM

Christian Formation Classes for all ages
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with the Saint Paul's Canterbury, and Saint Nicholas Choirs
Following the 11:00
AM Service 
Spiced Cider on the Lawn
12:00 - 3:00  PM
Lunch in Tyler Hall followed by Caroling to Homebound Parishioners
5:00 - 6:30 PM
5:30 - 6:15  PM
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion

The lessons for this Sunday are Baruch 5:1-9; Canticle 4 Song of Zechariah; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6.
Blessing of the Angel Tree Presents
This Sunday, December 6, 11 AM service
Brightly wrapped presents have been arriving all week in the Parish Office.  Thank you for all the wonderful gifts for our friends at Craig-Houghton!  We will  be blessing these gifts Sunday morning.  Please bring your gift to the Angel Tree Table this Sunday AM if you have not done so already. 
Rector's Discretionary Account
It is the tradition of Saint Paul's Church to designate that cash offerings and designated checks on the first Sunday of each month be deposited into the Rector's Discretionary Fund. These funds are used to help minister to the needy within our community, to help further the work and ministries of the church when other funds are not available, and to support programs and institutions within the parish and community that minister to those in need.
Book Study for Advent
Sunday 10:00 AM, The Berlin Room 
The Reverend John Jenkins will offer a book study during Advent at Saint Paul's.  We   will join with Episcopalians across the Diocese in reading  Rowan William's Being Christian .  The c lass will be offered Sunday mornings at 10:00 in the Berlin Room.  For more information contact J John Jenkins .
Share some Joy with our Homebound Parishioners
This Sunday, 12:00 - 3:00 PM
This Sunday following the 11:00 AM service, we'll gather for lunch in Tyler Hall then caravan to homebound parishioners to sing carols.  All ages and singing abilities welcome! This event is fun event to share joy with our homebound parishioners who aren't able to be at Saint Paul's as often as they wish they could.    Song sheets and maps will be available.  Contact Todd Shafer for more information. 
Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant Rehearsals Begin 
This Sunday, 10:00 AM  

We invite all children and youth to be part of the cast. No previous acting experience required - just a desire to share the Christmas story with our congregation. Speaking parts will be assigned to children ages 8 and up- no memorization required. Costume fitting and rehearsals will take place during Christian Formation on December 6th, 13th and 20th beginning at 10:00 AM. Children will feel more comfortable in their roles if they are able to attend each of these practices.   Email Dea Baldwin  for more information.

Advent's here, and we're all busy with Christmas preparations. Why not surprise the adults on your Christmas list with a gift they'll remember always-a fun-filled evening of fabulous food and drink, good music, and special friends! Take advantage of our DECEMBER SALE now Buy four tickets; get one  free! That's a discount of $10 per ticket off the at-the-door price-a  great deal for a great cause! Tickets are available Sunday in the narthex (checks/cash only) and in the church office. Don't wait; $10-off sale ends December 31. 

Tickets go on Sale This Sunday.
Pick-up Individual Directory Photos  

If you had your photo taken for the Parish Directory and had it sent to Saint Paul's, you may pick it up this Sunday from Sally Simkins in the Narthex Sunday morning following the 11:00 AM service or next week in the parish office from Elisabeth Price.

EYC Will Meet at Saint Paul's 
Sunday, 5:00 - 6:30 PM

Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion  with Prayers for Healing
Every Sunday, 5:30 - 6:15 PM

Amid the busyness that leads us to our Christmas celebration, Saint Paul's offers an opportunity to approach this celebration in a more contemplative and meaningful manner. 

While our Sunday morning worship of scripture, song and prayer is instrumental in our procession to Christmas, our Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion will offer a more focused and quiet counterbalance to the frenetic and harried world about us. Each Sunday evening there will be a singular focus on the themes of the Advent season. Themes of Creation, Light and Darkness, Obedience, Birth and Re-birth will be offered through quiet reflection, focused prayer, calming music, all the antithesis of what we find in the hustle and bustle around us.

This Sunday's Guest Musician is  Ruth Berry. 
Next Week December 7- December 13
Advent Resource for Families
Building Faith, a ministry of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminar offers this resource to families using an Advent Wreath. Click here for  Advent Prayers at Home.

Wreaths, Poinsettias, and Christmas Brass

Wreaths and red poinsettias in the church are enjoyed throughout the Christmas season and additional professional musicians enhance our Christmas Eve services. If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Christmas Eve music, or give a poinsettia or wreath, please return the form found in your bulletin today to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made by e-mail and through the Saint Paul's App no later than Wednesday, December 16.

Tuesday's Music Live
Tuesday, December 8, 11:00 AM & 12:00 noon
Tuesday's Music Live continues its 28th season with two free concerts by perennial favorites, The University of Georgia Accidentals, December 8, at 11 AM and 12 noon. The full schedule is available on-line here.   Lunch, catered by Sleeping Bear Kitchen, is available after the concerts by advance reservation. The cost is $12 per person. Reservations can be made online at, or by calling the Box Office, 706-722-3463.
Lessons and Carols at Sacred Heart
Tuesday, December 8, 7:30 PM
The annual Festival of Lessons and Carols at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center will be this Tuesday, December 8th at 7:30 p.m. Directed by Keith Shafer, this year's choirs feature 125 singers from the First Presbyterian Church, the Davidson Chorale, and the Cecilia Ensemble. Tickets are $20 and are available from Sacred Heart, 706-826-4700 or
Angel Tree Shopping Adventure
Wednesday December 9, 10:00 AM

Please join us for our annual Angel Tree Shopping Party.  We will have a group of volunteers meeting at the Target on Robert C. Daniel Jr. Parkway at 10 AM on Wednesday, December 9th.  It is a fun morning of shopping and preparation followed by lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Parents of EYC Students Connect by Text
To receive a text reminder for EYC events follow these easy steps to be added to the Saint Paul's text group via Remind 101:
  • send a text to this number: 81010
  • In the text write: @speyc


E YC Meets Sunday nights,  5-6:30 PM December 6 & 13

Mark your calendar for the EYC Cornerstone Christmas Party
Sunday, December 20, 5 - 8 PM, The River Room at Saint Paul's
Parents of College Students
The Daughters of the King keep our college students on their prayer list and would like to continue to send cards and small gifts to them.  If you have a child in college, whether in town or out of town, please send address, email and birthday to the Parish Office so that they may stay in touch.    
Augusta Choral Society Concert at Saint Paul's
Saturday, December 12, 7:30 PM
The Augusta Choral Society (ACS) presents " Truth From Above"  Saturday, December 12, 7:30 PM  at Saint Paul's Church. 

The concert includes performances of the concert version of  Amahl and the Night Visitors by Menotti,  The First Noel by Wilberg,  Believe from The Polar Express, and  Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah and  features the Augusta Choral Society, Soloists, and  the Lyra Vivace Chamber Orchestra. 

Tickets: $25/Adults  $10/Students & Military  and are available on-line at  or  706-826-4713.
Angel Tree Breakfast and Celebration
Saturday, December 12, 9:00 AM
The children in our mentoring program at Craig-Houghton Elementary and their siblings will join 
our parish family on Saturday, December 12th at 9:00 AM
to celebrate Christmas.  We will gather in Tyler Hall to enjoy a delicious homemade breakfast, cookie decorating, hot cocoa bar, craft making, story time, and music. At the end of our party, the children will be presented with their gifts.   Please join us for a special celebration that is guaranteed to fill you with the Christmas spirit!  Parishioners of all ages and abilities can volunteer to help with set up, signing children in, cooking, providing hospitality to the children and families, helping with cookie decorating and crafts, and cleanup.  Contact Kim Butler for more information.
Looking Ahead 
Holiday Movie Night
Friday, December 18, 6:30 PM, The Berlin Room 
Celebrate the last day of school at our Holiday Movie Night, Friday, December 18th at 6:30 pm. We will be watching A Christmas Carol. Join us for dinner at 6:00 pm. Movie begins at 6:30 pm. Wear your pajamas, and enjoy hot chocolate and cookies. All ages welcome!

EYC Cornerstone Christmas Party at Saint Paul's
Sunday, December 20, 5:30 PM, The River Room
Mark your calendars for our annual EYC Christmas Party for Cornerstone, Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 5:30 pm. Wear your tacky Christmas sweater and get ready for a blast!

Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, December 26, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Lynndale West Christmas Party Rescheduled
Monday, December 29, 6:00 PM, Tyler Hall
You're invited to join us as we celebrate the season with our friends from Lynndale West, Monday, December 29 at 6 PM in Tyler Hall.  Our annual gathering to celebrate our love for Christ includes music, games, riddles, photos, refreshments, and presents!  For more information email Margaret Lester Jordan or contact by phone at 706)736-6172.

Outreach Opportunities October - December 
Mark your calendar for Outreach Opportunities this fall.  Our   Outreach "Classifieds" are available here
Print copies are available in the Narthex.
News from our Neighboring Parishes
A Service of Hope and Comfort
Church of the Good Shepherd, December 16, 6:30 PM
A Service of Hope and Comfort will be offered December 16th at 6:30 PM, at Church of the Good Shepherd, for those who anticipate a difficult holiday season. 
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.
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