Dec. 2, 2015
Volume VI, Issue No. 48

E-cigarette users and substance abuse 
A study in prevalence rates analyzing population-level school-survey data collected from 10th graders (age 15-16 years) who smoke "e-cigarettes", "conventional smokers", "both" or "neither" of eight forms of substance abuse (alcohol, drunkenness, oral tobacco, snuff, sleeping pills/tranquilizers, sniffed glue, marijuana, and amphetamines) indicates that e-cigarette only users are more likely than non-users to have used the eight substances, but less likely than cigarette and duel users.

There appears to be a sequential risk gradient of substance abuse from "non-smokers" to "e-cigarette", "conventional cigarette" to "both" users (parents beware! Ed).

Nursery songs for children's anxiety prior to and during head computed tomography (CT)
It appears that children listening to recorded children's songs with integrated heart beat sounds prior to and during head CT are significantly less agitated when undergoing head CT.
Parent's assessment of cognitive deficits in 10-13 year olds born with an extremely low birth weight (ELBW)
A study of 121 children from an ELBW cohort (mean age 11.6 years) assessed using standardized tests of intelligence and neuropsychology plus a parental questionnaire, indicates that without or with normal intelligence, ELBW children face a higher risk of global cognitive impairment, & specific cognitive abnormalities for executive, sensory motor and visuospatial functions respectively (compared to test norms); up to 25% of parents underestimate their child's cognitive problems.
Acta Paediatrica



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Factors influencing the refracture of pediatric forearms

It appears that the rate of forearm refracture is 1.4% (previous studies indicate a 5% refracture rate with 36% of refractures occurring within six weeks of clinical clearing - 72% with complete radiographic healing).

Risk factors for refracture include:
  1. Fractures with a residual angle <10-15 degrees at time of union.
  2. Fractures in the middle one third of the forearm (72%).
Video Feature: Spotlight on E-Cigarettes

Dyslexia is a reading disorder which is characterized by difficulties in the brain's language processing leading to abnormalities in reading quickly, writing, spelling words, sounding out words in the head, and pronouncing words when reading out loud.
Causes appear to be genetic and environmental.

A study of 414 dyslectic children assessed yearly for reading scores and verbal IQ (against a matched peers) from first to 12th grade, indicates that from first grade dyslexic children have lower reading scores and verbal IQ's which never converge with typical readers over time.

Dyslectic children need to be identified and interventions undertaken early (preschool or kindergarten) to improve reading, etc. outcomes.
Broad-based molecular autopsy: A potential tool to identify subtle cardiac conditions in sudden unexpected death in infancy and early childhood.

A molecular (Next-generation sequencing) study of 41 children examining the presence of 86 genetic variations which may potentially increase the vulnerability of infants to sudden cardiac death, associated with cardiomyopathy, channelopathy and aortic disease found a wide spectrum of rare and novel genetic variants in sarcomere genes (giving rise primarily to subtle early microscopic cardiomyopathic changes ).

"Next-generation gene sequencing technologies reveal the existence of a wide spectrum of rare and novel genetic variants... in sudden unexplained deaths in infants and children". Detection would be helpful in genetic counseling.
An evidence-based discussion of heading the ball and concussion in high school soccer
Historically soccer has been viewed as a safer sport for children and adolescents, with increasing popularity in the USA over the past 30 years. Recently concerned has been voiced over the safety of soccer ball heading, particularly in the context of traumatic brain injury/concussion.

A retrospective analysis of longitudinal surveillance data from a large (1,393,753) representative sample of US high schools (boys and girls), examined data associated with the development of concussion. Apparently 0.04%/year of high school soccer players are diagnosed with concussion.

While heading appears responsible for 25%-30% of cases of concussion, contact with another player is the most common mechanism of injury (62%-78%). Reducing athlete to athlete contact appears to be the most effective way in preventing concussion in school-aged soccer players.

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Do you know when to order pediatric lipid screening?
What are the latest guidelines regarding TV screen time for babies/infants?
How common is asthma medication non-compliance?
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