E-Arkive The Electronic Newsletter for Ark and Dove 

This Sunday is Communion Sunday and Sunday School Registration! Welcome!

Dear Family and Friends of Ark and Dove,

Our children are educated and influenced in a variety of ways in our culture.  Sunday School, LOGOS, Youth Fellowship, Conferences and Mission Trips temper the  "wisdoms" of the world with the goodness of God's grace. The words of our world are laid next to The Word, who is Jesus.  In our church, children learn to practice justice, love kindness and to walk humbly with God.  Fulfilling our vows, to raise them as children of God, is one of the most important things we do.

Did you know that LOGOS is the Greek word for WORD?  In the opening chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus is called Logos (λόγος). What a joy it was to see all the excited children and youth at LOGOS this last Tuesday.  Abbey Boudreau, Amy Tardiff and Jon Nelson, who have worked hard to organize our program this year, tell me that there is still time to register.  We begin at 5:00.

LOGOS breaking news.   Starting this week, we are trying a four week experiment with Senior High dinner and discussion, 6:20 pm to 7:20 pm. Pastor Jon and I will join them on most Tuesdays.  Contact Pastor Jon with questions.

Sunday School begins this Sunday at 9:30 am for ALL ages and at 11:00 am for those in nursery through grade 5. Sunday School Registration will be on the spot in the Lobby.  We are very excited to offer Godly Play again this year for children K-5 and grateful to Amy Tardiff for taking the reins from our founding director Tina Anthis, who has worked so hard to get our Godly Play program launched. Thank you Tina for your ministry to our children.

What is Godly Play? Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle, late childhood and beyond. Come join us!
Peace of Christ,
Pastor Tim



Generous God, you are my maker, and I trust in you.  Surround me with your favor today that I may hear the cry of those in need and share my resources with the poor.  Surround also Ark and Dove and our  elected church leaders with your goodness and Spirit.  May they be bold innovators of mission.   May our elders lead us faithfully into a growing future.  May our deacons nurture those in need with care.   Enable also our pastors to support our elders and deacons in their ministries.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.


Good and constant God, I have endeavored to love my neighbor as myself today.  Yet the needs are so great that I find my heart failing and my faith falling short. In your mercy, let the favor of Christ surround me with strength.

Restore me as I rest in you.   Grant also your refreshing sleep to the leaders of Ark and Dove.  May they be renewed by your  flowing graces and empowered for fresh ministry.  Amen.


The Adult Choir is off to a good start! We had a great first rehearsal and learned some wonderful new anthems for the upcoming season.

The new Thursday Children's Choir and Tuesday night LOGOS groups are also off to a good start! The kids were eager to learn some new songs. I'm looking forward to the pageant rehearsals, which will be beginning in a few weeks, and having the new Children's Choir sing in worship. If your child is interested in participating in the pageant and is not in LOGOS, please contact me.


I am so excited about the beginning of the school year! The LOGOS program is up and running, and we had a fantastic first Tuesday!  It was great to see so many friendly and new faces - all excited to be there and to learn!  Our Worship Skills class was especially energetic, and we have a great group who are ready to share their leadership in worship!
Adult band has also started back, and we are up and running strong! Everyone is back from vacation, including our drummer Brendan Betyn, and we are so glad to have everyone back - with the summer addition of Matthew Kruft.  This should prove to be a fantastic year for the music program and for worship at Ark & Dove!

If you are interested in taking part of either of these programs, there are a wide variety of places that we need your time and talents. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out, even if you don't know how you can help.

God bless, 

WINTER RELIEF Please join us for the first planning meeting for Winter Relief 2015 on Monday, September 14 at 7:00 pm in the Ark and Dove room. We will be hosting homeless men in our church from October 12th - 19th. Please sign up in the lobby or contact Christian or Christine directly. Light refreshments will be provided. Thank you so much for your ongoing support of this critical program! Christine Caufield-Noll, Mission Elder, ccnmission@outlook.com, 410.960.2479 and Christian Noll, Winter Relief team leader, christian.noll@live.com, 443.758.8708.

CAP WEST COUNTY FOOD PANTRY'S featured item for September is ALL NATURAL PEANUT BUTTER AND PRESERVES. Please drop off food items in the Mission Zone bin (across from the coat rack). Thank you for your donations!  
SARAH'S HOUSE We need Sarah's House volunteers for September 16th and the rest of the year! We serve dinner at Sarah's House, a local home for women and families in crisis, the third Wednesday of each month. We need volunteers to coordinate and serve meals. The coordinator is responsible for acquiring and assembling the meal (coordinators can ask for food donations from the church). Servers help set up the dining hall and serve the meal. This is not a big time commitment; coordinators should arrive at around 3:00 pm or whenever they need to get there to make sure dinner is ready at 5:00 pm. Servers should arrive at 4:30 pm to help set up the dining hall and serve the meal. Dinner is over by 6:30 pm, and no cleanup is necessary. If you have interest in Sarah's House, please sign up to coordinate a meal for just one time a month! If 12 people sign up now, we can get the calendar set for the whole year. The sign-up sheet is on the Sarah's House bulletin board in the lobby. If you have any questions at all, please email me at madeline.beaudry@gmail.com. God bless, and please come help serve the community! -Madeline Beaudry
THE WAY-WORDS Have the acting bug? Here's your opportunity to channel it into Worship! The Way-Words, our Biblical story telling group, is having their fall kick-off meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.  There will be training and planning for our fall schedule.  If you have any questions contact Joan Berry, 410-672-5237 or berry962@verizon.net . 


Beginning Friday, September 18th, 6:30 pm, thru November 20th, the Adoption/Foster small group will meet the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. There is still room, so please contact Rebecca Bell Echols (RebeccaBellEchols@gmail.com) if you'd like to learn more! This small group is open to anyone who is connected to adoption or foster care in some way. Because of the complex nature of adoption and foster care, I would ask that you please email me to let me know if you would like to be a part of this group, and I will then send details on the location of our first meeting. All emails will be sent privately, and the details of meetings will be kept confidential. When emailing, please include your connection to adoption or foster care. I look forward to us supporting each other and learning from each other throughout the next few months.  

SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Want to invest in the faith of our children and youth? Sunday School registration begins this Sunday, September 13th! See you there! Kim Champagne (kim.champagne@gmail.com) and Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com). 

A Minute for Mission, The Center Baltimore 
A Minute for Mission, The Center Baltimore 
SENIOR HIGH COOKOUT Ark and Dove Senior Highers, join us for a cookout at Pastor Tim's house on Sunday, September 20, 5:30 pm. We'll be celebrating the kick-off of the year with some good food and games. Any questions? Talk to Pastor Jon, jgnelson1985@gamil.com.

ADULT ED MOVIE NIGHT You are invited on Sunday, September 20th, 5:30 pm, for St. Vincent, a comedy starring Melissa McCarthy as Maggie, a single mother who moves to a new home in Brooklyn.  Circumstances leave her with little choice but to entrust her son Oliver in the care of her neighbor Vincent (Bill Murray), a retired curmudgeon with a penchant for drink and the ponies.  An odd friendship blossoms between the improbable pair as Vincent helps Oliver grow to become a man and Oliver sees in Vincent what no one else is able to: a misunderstood man with a good heart.

Sign-up in the lobby to enjoy a great movie followed by a discussion period where we can share our thoughts on the events, themes, and issues addressed. The CE ministry will also provide a cold cut platter and rolls, but please feel free to bring sides to share or your favorite snacks and beverages.  Questions? Bill Champagne, billchampagne@yahoo.com.

WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Are you interested in delving a bit deeper into the Bible? Are you looking for some companions on your journey of faith? We are hosting a few weekly Bible Studies, Monday at 7 pm, Wednesday at 10 am, and Thursday at 7 pm. These Bible Studies will follow the weekly Bible texts used in our Sunday worship. All are invited! Contact Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com) with any questions.   

We are organizing a Sunday School class for Adults, who attend the 11:00 am service. Please see Lindsey Walker (lindseyraewalker@gmail.com) or Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com) for more information or sign up in the Lobby.

NEW MEMBERS/INQUIRERS CLASS Saturday, September 19th, 8:30am thru 12:30pm. Please join us for a New Members/Inquirers Class where you can meet other people who have been visiting Ark and Dove and enjoy breakfast and fellowship.  This "no obligation" class is just for you if you want to learn more about Ark and Dove and what it means to be a member. We'll provide breakfast and childcare.  Hope to see you there!  Sign up on the sign-up sheet in the lobby, or email Donna Anderson, Outreach and Connection Elder, donna.anderson30@aol.com.
CHURCH PICNIC Mark your calendar Sunday, September 27 after 11 am worship. Food, fun and games for the entire church.  All are invited! More details to follow.  If you would like to help organize and plan the picnic, please contact Amy Stavely, amy@stavely.org.

NAME TAG SUNDAY Break the ice and get to know someone new on Name Tag Sunday. During both services on September 27th, the Deacons will hand out nametags before each of the services. This is your opportunity to join the fun and deepen an important facet of your worship experience! Brian Boudreau, Moderator of Deacons, boudreaubrian@hotmail.com.    

The next meeting of the Healing through Grief small group will be on Wednesday, September 23 from 11am-12pm in the Ark and Dove Room. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, no matter how recent or long ago, is invited to attend. No sign up needed. For more information contact Linnie Girdner at 410-999-7892 or Lkgirdner@comcast.net.   

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: 
PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Tammy Wright; Jan Hof's mother, Marjorie Dean; Bob and Muriel; Brenda Schoener; Nancy Burk, Amy Tardiff's mother; Salvatore Conigliaro; June Shrank; Henry Duncan; Nora Chidlow; Frances Keyes; Ann Hirschy; Lester Dabbs; Dot Bruno; Florence Myers; Jason DeVono; and Kathy Miller's sister, Diane.

PRAYERS OF SUPPORT AND LOVE for people with addictions and a struggling daughter and grandchild.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Julie Devers at jbdevers@gmail.com, and she will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.  
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8424 Piney Orchard Parkway  
Odenton, MD  21113
Phone: (410) 674-6400 
Fax: (410) 674-6481 
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