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Vol. #07, Issue#83
October, 2015

Here's a personal story about how I learned to get in the flow:  I was working as a Fire Claims Representative at State Farm Insurance.   And what I thought I wanted ... way back when ... just four years out of college ... was the opportunity to be promoted to Human Resource Manager.  

I'd been at NCR Corporation in Human Resources and had moved to Atlanta for personal reasons.  Economic times were tight at that time.  I had good references and basic experience, but job interviews were few and far between. I wasn't interested in insurance, but this job at State Farm would give me the chance to move into Human Resources if I did well, so I took it.

A Fire Claims Representative is the person who often sees you when things have gone wrong.  Like when your washing machine hose bursts and floods your basement when you've been away on vacation. Or you have a fire or when your dog bites your neighbor and your neighbor decides to to sue you. 

And I know it doesn't sound very glamorous but to my surprise  ... I loved the job!

Here are some of the things I loved:  There was so much to learn - insurance, contracts, liability, interaction with attorneys and policy holders, house building estimation software and more.  While loved the learning, I also loved being in control of decisions, because I could set my own schedule, interpret the policy, and write checks on the spot without needing to check-in with my manager.  No day was ever the same.  Doing these things helped inspired me and I felt I was in the flow, and that I stayed there every day.

I thrived.  I excelled.  I actually made a good reputation for myself, so when they came to me and asked me to consider a HR Manager role at the Regional Offices, I jumped at it.  And I got the job!

And you know what?  Continue Reading to Find Out What Happened and What I Learned About Getting in the Flow...
Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast Episodes About Motivators:
Quickly increase your level of personal enthusiasm, resilience, and motivation and those of your team members using the Workplace Motivators Assessment and the MORE Motivation Method.  Interview with national speaker and trainer: Doug Smart of Strengths International

  Listen & Read Show Notes, Now!
Four Step process for MORE Motivation; How to double your levels of motivation and energy, in 70 days; How to use this info you help your employees do the same; Knowing your blind spots so you can manage them; Five interview questions to ask candidates and a complimentary offer.

  Listen & Read Show Notes, Now! 
This Month's Video...  Just for Fun!
This month's focus/topic is about 'getting in the flow' by knowing your top strengths and motivators, something that has helped me be clear about what I want and why I want it.  

This funny video - titled: Driving With Women is funny.

I like it because it shows how hard it is  to get what you want when you don't even know what you want.

And while this video highlights women's indecisiveness in the car (I have to admit, I do do the "I'll eat anything" scenario to my husband) many men get indecisive around what they want as often as women. Don't take the female slant too seriously and you'll be laughing - enjoy!

Helping Leaders, Trainers and Consultants Build the Energy, Commitment and Communication in Organizations

Suzie Price
Priceless Professional Development
770-578-6976 770-578-6976

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