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Hilchos Tefillin 25 (page 69)

If the Shel Yad Became Loose

Does Removing the Shel Rosh to Adjust the Knot Necessitate a New Beracha?

The Proper Time to Remove Tefillin 


If the shel yad became loose 

If the shel yad loosened before the shel rosh was put on, it may be tightened without a new beracha. If the shel yad or shel rosh loosened at a later point, they should be tightened with a new beracha. According to the Rama (who holds that a new beracha is not required when the tefillin are removed with the intention of replacing them), a new beracha is not required if they loosened during the course of davening.

(סעיף יב וס"ק נא-נב; וראה ביה"ל ד"ה אינו)




Does removing the shel rosh to adjust the knot necessitate a new beracha? 

According to the Mechaber and Gra, if someone removed his tefillin to adjust the knot, a new beracha is required (unless he had the adjustment in mind when reciting the beracha). According to the Rama, a new beracha is not necessary. If the retzua was too large when the tefillin were put on and the purpose of the adjustment is to make it fit, no beracha is required.  This is because the adjustment in this case is considered a continuation of the original donning.

(סעיף יב, ס"ק נ, וביה"ל ד"ה מהדק)



The proper time to remove tefillin  

Ideally, the tefillin should be worn until after the kedusha of Uva Letzion. According to Kabalah, they should be worn until the wearer hears kadish three times and kedusha four times (Barchu is counted as a kedusha for this purpose). It is appropriate to wear the tefillin for four kadeishim. The practice of the Arizal was to wear his tefillin until after Aleinu. When there is a bris in shul, the tefillin should not be removed until after the bris. Both tefillin and bris are called ois, and wearing tefillin at a bris emphasizes this point.

(סעיף יג וס"ק נה-נו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 66-67)





  • According to the Mechaber, someone who removed his tefillin or moved them from their place must recite a new beracha upon returning them to their place, even if he intended to replace them immediately. According to the Rama, however, a new beracha would not be required in that case.

  • When repositioning tefillin that slipped out of place, a new beracha is not required if they moved only slightly. If most of the tefillin moved from its place, however, a new beracha is necessary.

  • One should follow Gemara and poskim if they disagree with Kabalah. In a case where there is no machlokes, the Kabalah should be followed if it is more stringent.




  • When to remove the tefillin on Mondays and Thursdays

  • Why the tefillin are removed before Musaf on Rosh Chodesh

  • Removing the tefillin hurriedly on Rosh Chodesh


