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CLMHD Dashboard & Portal Dialogue:
A One-Stop Shop for All Your Data Needs!
" It doesn't matter how many "resources" you have, if you don't know how to use them, it will never be enough."

What is the "CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal?"
The CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal is a resource designed to be used by Directors of Community Services and their planning designees to support meaningful services planning and system oversight at the local and regional levels, including assessing the impact of significant systems changes like the shift to managed care, health home implementation and other Medicaid redesign initiatives.  

What is Included?  
The Behavioral Health Portal includes data from several systems:
  • County and regional estimates of the use of tobacco products, alcohol, illicit drugs (including non-medical use of prescription drugs) and mental health issues - as reported by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
  • County and regional estimates of the number of Medicaid FFS and Managed Care recipients with a potential need for behavioral health or developmental disability services and their general demographic characteristics as available through the Salient No PHI Medicaid Data System, which contains statewide Medicaid Fee-for-Service claims and encounters and associated demographic, diagnosis, and service detail. 
  • County and regional adult inpatient admissions data (all payer) as reported in the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS),
  • County and regional Medicaid FFS and managed care service utilization summaries for priority populations, including behavioral health and developmental disability service recipients.
  • Local estimates of the number of homeless individuals and households as reported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Annual Continuum of Care Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports
Other data sources will be added over time based on priorities identified by the CLMHD membership and the Mental Hygiene Planning Committee.

Key Features
Data views can be created by county or in most cases, by region.  Active data views can also be exported to Excel for additional formatting.   Links to descriptive information about the data sources, data field definitions, and data export instructions are provided on each page in the dashboard.  

For Data Export Instructions click HERE.

For  Data Notes: Service Use Snapshot click HERE.
This Dialogue will provide you with an introduction to the CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal. The webinar highlights features and functions of the CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal and addresses how it can be used in planning.   

Did you know that the CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal facilitated collaboration with a Managed Care company?  It's true!

A regional health plan was developing a NYS DSRIP application and wanted to include some prevalence information but because the plan did not provided behavioral health care services they could not cull the desired information from their extensive data bases.   So, they reached out to an LGU to discuss their data needs, and the CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal  came to the Rescue!

County planning staff accessed the CLMHD Behavioral Health Portal and provided the health plan with county and regional information on service use data and chronic health conditions. 
  • Estimated Prevalence
  • Adult Inpatient Admissions
  • Inpatient Use by Payer
  • Additional Chronic Conditions
The health plan was impressed with the information provided, the breakdown by age groups and the inclusion of information about children's and transitional youth's needs.  None of the information provided would have been in their DSRIP application without their connecting with the LGU.  The health plan was surprised with the level of co-morbid chronic conditions shown by these reports which could lead to additional opportunities for collaboration. 

This data view takes the cohort of individuals potentially in need of mental health or substance use disorder services, combined as behavioral health services, and then "drills down" to provide an overview of the types of Medicaid services members of this group actually received during the most recent three year period. The Service Use Snapshot table view summarizes the # of individuals who received services, under managed care (if enrolled) or under fee-for-service within seven broad service areas - Mental Health, OASAS, OPWDD, Emergency Room, Inpatient, Behavioral Health Outpatient, and Primary Care.

This Dialogue explores the number of adults admitted for inpatient care at community hospitals during the most recent two years, and of this group, how many admissions were for individuals with behavioral health conditions.  These all payer data provide a baseline from which to track trends in admissions and days in care for individuals with behavioral health disorders - including shifts associated with healthcare reform, Medicaid redesign, and changes in state-operated inpatient services

This Dialogue will provide information about updates made to the Behavioral Health Portal.

The Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program is a key component of the $8B New York State Medicaid waiver that provides funding to fundamentally restructure and improve quality in the safety net health care system to focus on primary and preventive care and reduce avoidable hospital use. These dashboards were developed by DOH and Salient HHS to assist with planning, community needs assessment and application development for the DSRIP initiative.
What Data are Included?
  • DSRIP Dashboards present Medicaid utilization and enrollment data made available by DOH.
  • The data updates monthly to present the most current information for service dates 2011 through present.
The data presented in these dashboards contain no member-specific health information of any type. 

The Initiative Map Webinar was developed by the Community of Practice for Local Planners (CPLP) on behalf of the Mental Hygiene Planning Committee to assist DCS's and local planners in finding their way through the multiple change initiatives in NY designed to achieve the triple aim of Better Care, Health, & Reduce Costs.  

This Dialogue will help you to navigate through the multiple initiatives in NY designed to achieve the Triple Aim of improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing health care costs.
  • Affordable Care Act ยง  State Health Improvement Plan
  • The Prevention Agenda   
  • Population Health Improvement Program (PHIP) 
  • DSRIP 
  • Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) 
  • Medicaid Managed Care 
  • Vital Access Provider (VAP) Program 
  • Health Homes 
  • Olmstead / Deinstitutionalization 

This Dialogue will provide an opportunity to learn about new data extract functionality recently added to the County Planning System.  The Dialogue will demo the priority outcome generator; focus and sub focus areas; show how to generate Excel or PDF reports; and demonstrate how to use word search for specific topic areas.