To Feed the Hungry
We should donate to the needy because we have much more than we need when they don't have enough. Not only should we donate, but we also need to actively participate by making meals to give to the poor. Giving to the less fortunate is very important because it helps the needy and reminds us to be grateful. We can live out this corporal work by donating cans of soup from our homes to people who need it more than we do.

To Give Drink to the Thirsty
This Work of Mercy is similar to feeding the hungry because it's helping those in need. Giving the thirsty something to drink helps them feel cared for. As students, we can live this out in our community by keeping a water bottle in the car for the homeless as we drive by, or donating cases of water bottles to St. Josaphat's Homeless Outreach.

To Clothe the Naked
Chicago's winters are cold and some people don't have the proper clothing to keep them warm. We could help out by keeping an extra pair of clothes in the car, donating clothes to shelters, and not buying abundant amounts of clothes at stores.

To Shelter the Homeless
Some people have nowhere to sleep so they end up sleeping on the street. We can donate money to a shelter so it can expand and the homeless could have somewhere comfortable to sleep.

To Care for the Sick
Many people have diseases. We could donate money towards finding cures or help pay for treatments. We could also visit those who are hospitalized or sick to cheer them up and remind them that there are people praying for them.

To Visit the Imprisoned
This Work of Mercy is about caring and showing forgiveness for those who are imprisoned. To live out this work of mercy we could pray for people who are in jail. We can also show forgiveness and understanding to our friends when they make bad decisions, or get in trouble.

To Bury the Dead
This Work of Mercy is about respecting people who have passed away. To live out this Work of Mercy we will honor people who have died. We will also give our family members who have died a proper burial ceremony and pay our respects to them.

To Convert Sinners
To convert sinners is to help people realize the difference between what is right and wrong. Not only do you tell someone to realize what is right and wrong, you give suggestions to help them improve their way. For example, if your little brother decides to yell at you, it is your job to help him realize that that is wrong, and suggest a new way to improve his decisions.

Instruct the Ignorant
Instructing the ignorant is helping someone keep an open mind, even if you do not see eye to eye with them. Instead of correcting someone, giving friendly reminders or suggestions will help them grow an open mind. For example, if your friend does not have an optimistic attitude toward school, remind him/her that school will help you grow in your life, and it will support you too.

Advise the Doubtful
If something tragic happens to someone, they often doubt that anything will get better for them. By comforting and encouraging them, it gives them the hope that the situation will get better.

To Comfort the Sorrowful
Many people are sad because of a loss or another tragedy. You could try to cheer them up by taking them somewhere that will keep their mind off the loss. Even just being there to support that person is a way to help.

To Bear Wrongs Patiently
For people that have wronged you in the past, be kind back to them and they will reflect that kindness. Forgiving a person that hurt you is a good way to start fixing your relationship. If we show them kindness instead of being hurtful back we will strengthen our relationship not only with them, but also with God.

To Forgive Injuries
This Work of Mercy states that you must forgive people no matter what the situation or how hard it is. To forgive injuries means not only saying that you forgive the person but also acting like forgiving people. You can live out this Work of Mercy by forgiving those who have hurt you and by not holding grudges against them.

To Pray for the Living and the Dead
This Work of Mercy tells you that you must pay your respects and pray for people you are close to who are living or deceased. You can live out this Work of Mercy in many ways. For example, you can pay respects for a lost friend or pray for a person who could use some help.
Important Upcoming Dates!

Sunday, March 20, Palm Sunday - Masses start in Community Park, weather permitting

Thursday, March 24, Holy Thursday 

Friday, March 25, Good Friday

Saturday, March 26, Holy Saturday 

Sunday, March 27, Easter Sunday

Wednesday, April 13 - Ministry & Mercy: A Minister's Evening of Renewal

Friday, April 15 - SJAA Pasta Dinner 

June 13 - 17 - VBS: Cave Quest

Please help after mass for 10 minutes!
We still need volunteers to hand out gift cards at the end of each Mass during Lent.  If you are willing to assist, please sign up at Should you have any questions, please email Deacon Pat at [email protected]

Men's Club: Tonight!
March 17, 7:30 pm
at the Drinkingbird
2201 N. Clybourn
We'll be following the first round of the NCAA basketball tournament!
We'll serve appetizers; cash bar, no cover charge.

Open to all parishioners, school families, and friends!

Email Jeff O'Shaughnessy ([email protected])
 or Tom Bransfield ([email protected]) for more information!
Holy Week Schedule
Thursday, March 24th 
9:00 am Morning Prayer
7:30 pm Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper 
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament follows until 10:00 pm 

Friday, March 25th 
9:00 am Morning Prayer 
3:00 pm Church open for private stations and prayer 7:30 pm Service of the Lord's Passion, including Proclamation of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion 

Saturday, March 26th 
9:00 am Morning Prayer
12:00 Noon Blessing of Easter Baskets 
7:30 pm Mass of the Easter Vigil, including Service of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Blessing of the New Water, Baptisms, Reception of new members, Confirmation, and Eucharist 

Sunday, March 27th
Renewal of Baptismal Promises at all Masses 
8:00 am Mass
10:00 am Mass
Easter Egg Hunt in Community Park immediately after Mass for children 5 and under
12:00 Noon Mass
VBS: Cave Quest
Monday - Friday
June 13 - 17 2016

Save the date and get ready for Vacation Bible School!