Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey 

September 2015
Chemical & Biological Weapons Training Course for USG Personnel
Slide from presentation on CW use in Syria
A one-week course held in the CNS Washington, DC, office offered US government personnel cutting-edge presentations on key issues relating to chemical and biological weapons (CBW) with leaders in this field. Covering the history of state-level CBW programs, the latest technological developments with the potential for misuse, and recent developments in Syria and Iraq, among other critical topics, CNS provided twenty-five mid-level US officials a condensed, yet far-ranging review of these proliferation and security issues.

Read more.

The next course in the series, on "Nuclear Weapons Policy and Arms Control," will be held October 26-30, 2015.

CNS Director in Cuba
Dr. Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart with Dr. William Potter
CNS Founding Director William Potter was in Havana, Cuba, in early September 2015 at the invitation of Dr. Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, whom he had met many years ago at a nonproliferation conference in Moscow. He was part of a small MIIS and Middlebury delegation, which also included  Dr. Jeffrey Dayton-Johnson (MIIS Vice President for Academic Affairs), Dr. Jeffrey Cason (Dean of International Programs at Middlebury College), and Dr. Anna Vassilieva (Director of the MIIS Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies). 

The purpose of the visit was to explore various opportunities for student and faculty exchanges and collaboration between CNS/MIIS/MIDD and the Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI). Dra. Isabel Allende Karam, ISRI Rector, hosted the US delegation.

Middle East Next Generation Meets in Prague

The Middle East Next Generation of Arms Control Specialists Network (MENACS) met in mid-August in Prague, Czech Republic, for its annual meeting. 

MENACS founder Dr. Chen Kane stands surrounded by Network members in Prague.

The Network's up-and-coming young experts convened to review their past projects-- such as its Middle East WMD-Free Zone (WMDFZ) conference simulation, the 2014 journalists' training, and their contribution to the CNS Occasional Paper on a regional WMDFZ-- and propose new projects to be implemented over the next period. 

MENACS was established by Dr. Chen Kane under CNS's Middle East Nonproliferation Program. Since 2010, MENACS has been developing and promoting region-based approaches to arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament in the Middle East through capacity building, training, regional dialogue, knowledge dissemination and teaching by example. 

VCDNP Participates in the 23rd WiN Global Annual Conference 

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) was actively engaged in the 23rd Women in Nuclear (WiN) Global Annual Conference held at the Vienna International Centre August 24-28,  2015. This year's theme was "Women in Nuclear Meet Atoms for Peace."

Laura Rockwood sharing the closing panel with IAEA DDG-MT Janice Dunn Lee, Vice President of WiN IAEA Gabriele Voigt and former IAEA inspector Shirley Johnson. Photo Credit: Dean Calma

VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood featured prominently at the conference, including chairing the keynote panel on August 25 as well as chairing another panel on nuclear security on August 27. Ms. Rockwood also co-moderated the conference's gala dinner, held in Vienna's beautiful City Hall.

New Tutorial Aims to Help Journalists, Students, Researchers 
In partnership with the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the  new    Nuclear 101 online tutorial  provides clear answers to some basic--and not so basic-- questions about nuclear materials, reactors, and weapons. A mobile-friendly resource, the tutorial also features interactive graphics, charts, and other dynamic widgets meant to enhance reporting on nuclear issues, whether for the classroom, broadcast television, or web-based reporting. 

View the tutorial and then take the quiz!

Find a CNS Expert

Secondly, the CNS website,,now features a useful " Experts by Topic" page to allow researchers to easily identify and contact the most appropriate CNS expert on any given subject. From biological weapons to treaty verification, CNS has a nonproliferation expert ready to address your questions with authoritative and nonpartisan information. 

For more information, visit our CNS Media page.


James Martin Center for
Nonproliferation Studies
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Monterey, CA 93940 USA
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