"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
Finishing Strong
November 2015
"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel . . ."
Philippians 1:2-5
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in America, though by the time you get this newsletter it will have come and gone. I wanted to say thank you to so many of you for all you do, whether it is supporting the ministry funds, sponsoring a child, or giving to projects, or simply praying - you mean a lot to us. You are part and parcel of this ministry as they would say in Uganda! You are true partners in spreading the gospel to the children and their extended families, and many others that you are not even aware of.
I returned to find five more graduates from the Hines Ugandan Ministries. It is exciting to see so many grow up. One of them I have written about a few times, Lovista, who has come from a background that said it would be impossible for her to become anything in life. To the people around she was a nobody, but to God she has always been a somebody. She graduated with her Bachelor's Degree from Nkumba University in Entebbe in Travel and Tourism. She most likely will work with one of the safari tourism organizations, as they have already contacted her.
Lovista with Pastor Charles & Judith
Another graduate is David who has graduated with his Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education.  He is going to work in a government school to teach high school. Both of these fine young adults love the Lord, Jesus Christ, and they intend to continue sharing with others the gospel and how the Lord has changed their lives through Christians that helped them and through His great love for them.


We also had Brian graduate with a diploma in information systems, Ezra graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Accounting and Beatrice graduated from a vocational school with a diploma in cooking and catering.

This will now make a total number of graduates to be 178 since we started in 1999. I have put a few of the graduate's pictures here for you to see.
Brian with his grandfather

 It is so wonderful to be a part of their lives and see how God is making a difference - thank you to their sponsors and all of you for making this possible. God bless you so much.

Give the Gift of Giving
Give the gift of giving this Christmas by making a gift in honor of that person that has everything.  Copy & paste the coupon below into a word document, print and mail with your gift or click here to give your gift online and list your selection in the comment box (at securegive.com click + after the total to open a comment box)
Giving Coupon (Cut & send w/check)
Please accept my gift of $______t0 b less a child through Hines Ugandan Ministries.
___$25 - Pair of shoes, Primary School books & supplies or a  
           school uniform    
___$35 - 1 year medical care or Christmas sponsorship 
___$50 - Secondary School/Higher Ed books & supplies
___$100 - 1 month medication & medical supplies for our
___$200 - Annual Scholarship for a community child
___$360 - Annual Child Sponsorship  
Your Name______________________________________



Email_______________________  Phone_____________
Hines Ugandan Ministries is IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt organization.   Mail to P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162

Hines Ugandan Ministries |
homeoffice@hineskids.org | Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa


 Donate Now


  Please remember our sponsored children this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and show these children His love. Your $35 gift will provide a special Christmas meal for each child's family as well as a celebration, a new outfit and a small gift. You can provide for your sponsored child or for others whose sponsors are unable to or for those who are on our wait list.
Katherine has returned to Uganda. If you still wish to send your child a Christmas card you will need to send it to the Uganda address or write a Christmas letter to them by email on our website. Any cards and letters received at the U.S. office in December will be taken to the field by a team in mid-January. Sorry, but there will not be room for packages.
Securegive donors
If you have set up a recurring gift to HUM on securegive.com please note that it must be renewed annually.
     Genesis Annual Scholarship
Last year many of you gave to our scholarship fund to help make school a reality for many non-sponsored, impoverished children in our HUM community. Your $200 annual gift will provide for tuition assistance, uniform and school supplies for a needy child, offering educational opportunity, Jesus and a future with hope, ending the cycle of poverty for their family.




Write Your Sponsored Child


Colorado Gives Day
     December 8
If you  are planning  a year end online gift to Hines Ugandan Ministries  we ask that you give it through our coloradogives.org link on Coloado Gives Day, December 8, when all creadit card fees along with partial matching funds will be donated by coloradogives.org.
Beat the online traffic on  December 8 and schedule  your gift now by selecting  the "CO Gives Day" box as your Donation Type.