"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
Ups and Downs
January 2016
December was a very busy month for HUM and very important to as we celebrated the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We began the month with a team of 10 people who helped us with Christmas celebrations. We first packed bags of food to be given out for the sponsored children. These bags include rice, beans, posho (corn flour), sugar, tea, salt, matches, soap, etc. Then there was shopping for a new outfit for each sponsored child as well as underwear and toiletries. It is always hustle and bustle! We do enjoy it, however, and it is special to the children to know that they receive these gifts because the Lord loves them and cares for them.
We had a Christmas party for the women in which we served African donuts (called mandaze), cake and tea to all the women (and the 33 men that came). There were 172 women that came and enjoyed a craft and the Word of God from the team that was visiting, as well as a pair of slippers for the women and t-shirts for the men.
Following this was the big Christmas party for the children from AWANA. In 2014, we had around 1,354 children that came and had fun. This year we had 1,392 children that came and enjoyed. Most of the youth came to help with the children and the team shared a
Christmas story and had every child make a candy cane ornament keep. They all received a hot meal with rice and beef, cake and candy. It was exciting to say the least!




After the team left we had another visitor, Torben Jensen, who is the Mobilization Pastor of my home church, Bear Valley Church, in Lakewood, Colorado. We enjoyed visiting with him and had a good time doing more visitation in the homes and praying and sharing the Word of God.

Then began the giving of the beef to the children to take home to share with their families for their Christmas dinners. We butchered four cows and gave every sponsored child 2 kilos of fresh beef on the 23rd of December. We are so thankful to God for again providing for the children to share in His birthday.
We have a team here now and will share about their work in next month's newsletter. We are thankful to all of you who support the children and we ask that you help us to continue making a difference in their lives.
God bless you and Happy New Year, Katherine

Hines Ugandan Ministries |
homeoffice@hineskids.org | Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa


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On the morning of the 21st of December we were greeted with very sad news and had to prepare for a burial the next day. One of the children that grew up in the ministry died when his kidneys failed him. Andrew N. had just finished his diploma in telecommunications and had just begun a very good job as a telecommunications engineer. Andrew had just turned 23 years old. His father died when when Andrew was a young boy and Andrew did not remember much about his father. His mother was one of two wives and there were 16 children between the two. Both wives did not finish school and had no income. Andrew was a half-brother to Harriet and brother to Henry and Ivan who are all 3 sponsored as well. Both Henry and Harriet have finished and are working and married with one child each. Ivan is still in school. The most important thing I can tell you, however, is that Andrew was a born again Christian, he loved the Lord, Jesus Christ and depended on the Holy Spirit for guidance. We will miss him terribly and ask that you pray for the family.   Andrew's life was very different than what it would have been if he had not had a sponsor. As much as we want to impact their earthly lives, their eternity is what we are ultimately here for.  
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If you have set up a recurring gift to HUM on securegive.com please note that it must be renewed annually.

Attention coloradogives donors
  Please remember that your online donations through coloradogives.org are made to them and passed on to us. For tax purposes please refer to your account on their site.  



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