Collision Care News
Know your repair rights
March 2016
Did You Know?

Your Certified shop is being promoted through several online Consumer-facing and Insurer-facing Certified  shop locators as well as an Accident & Collision Care Smartphone App.
Ford National 
Body Shop Program

Dealer Business Improvement Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports for January are available at

Not enrolled in the Ford National Body Shop Program? Click here for program benefits and enrollment information. 

Ford Recognized
Previous Newsletters

(1st edition)
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2016 OEM Certified Collision Care 
Provider Conference 

The first OEM Certified Collision Care Provider conference is being help this April 10-13 in Nashville TN. Due to high demand from our network, we were able to fill all the available attendee spots in just weeks of announcing the event and opening the registration site! To learn more, click  here.

Here Comes An F-150!

Craig Carlson, owner of Carlson's Collision & Glass, likes to stay ahead of the game, especially when it comes to repairing F-150s. Once Craig met all the requirements for the Ford National Body Shop Program (FNBSP), he had an opportunity to work on 2 F-150s that were referred to his shop through the FNBSP. Now it was "Time to Learn and Earn".  Click here to read the full article on how Craig made the transition to aluminum easier.

OEM Certification Milestones in 2015

Assured Performance allows collision repairers meeting certain criteria once to join multiple OEMs' networks of shops recommended to customers. It also offers a separate certification for the 2015 aluminum Ford F-150 (which, if achieved, Ford considers to count for the rest of its fleet). Read the full article  here.

Ford Approves Chief Fume and Dust Extractors for Aluminum F-150 Repairs

Click here to view the complete list of approved Aluminum specific Collision Tools and Equipment. You can also visit for the latest list.

NHTSA Includes Crash Avoidance Rankings in Proposed Upgrades to its 
5-Star Ratings

Changes in the regulations of fuel economy and 5-Star Safety rating on government crash test are behind a lot of the automotive manufacturer's changes in material and body construction of new vehicles.  This is a driver behind Collision repair shops having to invest in new tools, equipment and training. Read the full article here.

To view and get more information on other OEMs participating in the Assured Performance Certification-Recognition program, click here