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 Hilchos Tefilla 108 (page 272)
  מסימן קח סעיף ט עד סעיף יא

Making Up  Regular Tefillos On Special Occasions
Making Up a Weekday Tefilla On Shabbos
Omitting Havdalah from the Makeup Tefilla on Motzai Shabbos

Making up regular tefillos on special occasions 
If someone missed a regular tefilla and the makeup occurs at a time that requires a special addition to Shmoneh Esrei (e.g. ya'aleh v'yavo or al hanisim), he should include the addition in the makeup tefilla. Nevertheless, the tefilla obligation is still considered fulfilled if it was omitted. If ya'aleh v'yavo was omitted from the first tefilla but included in the second one, the makeup tefilla must be repeated.  This is because the first tefilla (without the addition) is then considered to be the makeup one, and - as we learned earlier--a makeup tefilla must always succeed the present tefilla. If, however, he clearly designated the first tefilla as the present prayer and the second one as the makeup, he has fulfilled the obligation for a makeup.
( סעיף ט, ס"ק כו-כז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 55 ו־61)
Making up weekday tefillos on Shabbos
Someone who missed mincha on erev Shabbos should recite the Shabbos Ma'ariv twice, but he has fulfilled his obligation if the second tefilla was the weekday version. He does not fulfill his obligation if he recites the weekday tefilla first, because it is viewed as another example of reciting the makeup before the present tefilla (see paragraph above). Someone who accepted Shabbos before davening Mincha should recite the Shabbos Ma'ariv prayer twice, but if he recited the weekday Mincha before nightfall (and before Ma'ariv), he is yotzei. The poskim discuss whether a person in this situation should perform hataras nedraim (lit. annulment of vows) on his acceptance of Shabbos and recite the regular weekday Mincha.
( סעיף ט וס"ק כה; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 54)
Omitting Havdalah from a makeup tefilla on motzai Shabbos
If someone missed Mincha on Shabbos, at Ma'ariv on motzai Shabbos he should daven the weekday Shemoneh Esrei twice. He cannot fulfill his obligation by davening the Shabbos Mincha Shemoneh Esrei then. He does not repeat atah chonantanu in the second tefilla because only one havdalah is needed. If he omitted havdalah from both tefillos, he has fulfilled his obligation for a makeup tefilla (even if he ate before havdalah and is therefore required to repeat the Ma'ariv Shemoneh Esrei). If he recited havdalah only in the second Shemoneh Esrei, he has not fulfilled his obligation for either tefilla because he made it evident that he wishes the first one to be the makeup and the second one the current tefilla. If he clearly indended the first tefilla to fulfill the current obligation and the second one to be the makeup, he has fulfilled his obligation.
( סעיף י וס"ק כח, כט ו־לא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 62)

  • An intentionally missed tefilla cannot be made up, but it is permissible to recite a voluntary tefilla instead. The poskim discuss whether, in this case, a voluntary tefilla recited soon after the next required tefilla requires the addition that is usually needed for a voluntary prayer. If it is recited later, it does require an addition.
  • If someone missed davening because he fell asleep, or because--despite his intention to daven--he was involved in a project and the zman passed before he realized it, he is considered to have missed davening unintentionally and is permitted to make up the tefilla.
  • A missed tefilla can only be made up together with the subsequent required tefilla. Someone who wishes to make up a tefilla after that can recite a voluntary tefilla with an addition.


  • If a weekday tefilla was recited on Shabbos

  • If v'sein tal umatar was omitted from Friday's Mincha

  • If ya'aleh v'yavo was inserted in the wrong tefilla



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.