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Matanos L'evyonim
Every adult Jew (including women) is required to give a gift to two aniyim. The gift must be worth at least a perutah. There are poskim who hold that today a larger amount is needed and a perutah is insufficient. It is admirable to give the pauper an amount that he won't be embarrassed to accept and will even be happy to take. The gift can be money, which can be spent on Purim or food that can be eaten on Purim. There is a machlokes as to whether someone who gives on behalf of his wife and children must be mezakeh the money to them first.

Machatzis Hashekel
There is a minhag to recall the machtzis hashekel donation to the Beis Hamikdash in the month of Adar by donating three 'half' coins prior to the mincha before Purim (or on Purim evening). The coins used should be whichever local coin is called a half (e.g. an American half dollar). The primary custom applies to men over thirteen and, according to some, only to men over twenty. Some have the custom to give for every member of the house, including women and unborn children.

 Hilchos Tefilla 108 (page 271)
  מסעיף ה עד סעיף ט

Making Up for Intentionally Missed Tefillos
Making Up for Unintentionally Missed Tefillos
Someone Who Missed Several Tefillos

Making up for intentionally missed tefillos
There is no makeup tefilla for a tefilla that is intentionally missed, but a voluntary tefilla may be recited instead. The poskim discuss whether, in this case, a voluntary tefilla recited soon after the next required tefilla requires the addition that is usually needed for a voluntary prayer. If it is recited later, it does require an addition. It is unclear whether davening that was intentionally postponed (for no good reason) and then forgotten is considered an intentionally missed tefilla (for which there is no makeup) or an accident (in which case a makeup is permitted). Someone who must repeat his tefilla because he neglected to inspect a filth-prone area before he davened there and waste was later found in the place is considered to have intentionally missed the tefilla, and he is not permitted to make up the prayer.
( סעיף ז וס"ק כא-כב; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 50)
Making up unintentionally missed tefillos
If someone missed davening because he fell asleep, or because--despite his intention to daven--he was involved in a project and the zman passed before he realized it, he is considered to have missed davening unintentionally and is permitted to make up the tefilla. Likewise, missing a tefilla in order to salvage property is considered unintentional. The poskim discuss whether missing a tefilla to avoid a possible, but not definite, loss is considered intentional or unintentional. In such a case, before davening he should stipulate that the tefilla should be considered mandatory if he is obligated and voluntary if he is not. L'chatchila, it is forbidden to miss a tefilla in order to prevent financial loss if the amount is less than a fifth of one's assets. It is forbidden to interrupt in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei even if the amount is more than a fifth of one's assets.
( סעיף ח, ס"ק כג, וביה"ל ד"ה וכן וד"ה מיהו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 49 ו־51)
Someone who missed several tefillos
A missed tefilla can only be made up together with the subsequent tefilla. Someone who wishes to make up a tefilla after that can recite a voluntary tefilla with an addition. One opinion holds that a missed tefilla can be made up even after the subsequent tefilla. Therefore, makeup tefillos that are recited after the subsequent davening should be undertaken with the stipulation that if the makeup tefilla is mandatory it should count for the obligation, but if it is not mandatory it should serve as a voluntary tefilla. It is proper for someone who missed many tefillos (e.g. he slept for a very long time) to replace all of them with voluntary tefillos. He should recite the present tefilla first, followed by the makeup for the preceding tefilla. Afterwards, he should recite - as voluntary tefillos - as many tefillos as he missed, according to the stipulation above. If the tefillos are made up on Rosh Chodesh, ya'aleh v'yavo is inserted in all of them. These tefillos should not be made up on Shabbos or Yom Tov, because makeup tefillos are not allowed on those days.
( סעיף ו וס"ק יח-יט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 41)

  • A makeup tefilla should follow immediately after the tefilla that is required at a given time, because the second tefilla should be recited while one is already involved in davening. The chazan's repetition is not considered an interruption, and indeed it is preferable to delay the second prayer until after kedusha and tachanun.
  • Preferably, Ashrei should be recited between the two tefillos, whether for Shacharis, Mincha or Ma'ariv, but there is an opinion not to recite Ashrei before a nighttime makeup tefilla.
  • Ideally, makeup tefillos can be recited only during the correct time for the present tefilla. However, if the present tefilla is recited during a b'dieved time, a makeup tefilla can be recited then as well.


  • Making up for regular tefillos on special occasions

  • Making up for a weekday tefilla on Shabbos

  • Omitting havdalah from the makeup tefilla on motzai Shabbos



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.