"Try Some Veggies...You Might be Surprised!"
Last week, 2 Harvest Home Community Chefs gave a live vegetable cooking demonstration at a supermarket in The Bronx. Here is their story. 
"When we arrived at the supermarket, there was a buzz of regular morning customers hurrying around and collecting their groceries. We wanted to make sure we caught the crowd, so we quickly set up our cooking demonstration and began to collect the ingredients for our recipe of the day - Collard Greens with  Carrots and Thyme. (See recipe below)

As our dish heated up, the smell of the olive oil and simmering garlic drew curious customers from across the supermarket. A crowd began to gather and ask questions about what we were cooking. We prepared samples in cups for the shoppers to taste. We were positive that the combination of the the strong flavored collard greens and mild sweet flavored carrots with the garlic and thyme would win the crowd over. The contrast of the dark green collards against the bright orange carrots made it look as good as it smelled!

Shockingly, several people refused to try our delicious and inviting samples. Why, you ask? Because both of the
 main ingredients were vegetables!!  Much of the crowd needed some convincing. 

' There's no harm in trying it,' we said as we handed out the samples.  One vegetable-averse man told us that we hadn't cooked the vegetables enough. Our veggies were bright and inviting and he assumed that a cooked vegetable had to be dark and wilted. After some encouragement, he gave our recipe a try and t o his surprise (and our delight) he liked it. HE REALLY LIKED IT! He liked it so much that he came back for seconds AND took a recipe card so he could cook it at home. He wasn't the only one we won over that day. A lot of people were genuinely surprised at how good the recipe tasted and told us they were going to try it with their families.

HUGE SCORE FOR TEAM HARVEST HOME! We look forward to introducing more tasty and healthy recipes at our cooking demonstrations throughout the city!" 
What a great story! Give our Collard Greens with Carrots and Thyme recipe a try see what your family says. They're sure to love it! 

Collard Greens with 
Carrots & Thyme

  • 1 bunch of collard greens, leaves & stems chopped
  • 2 carrots sliced in half moons
  • 2 teaspoons thyme
  • 3 whole garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons water


  • Heat olive oil in a big skillet  
  • Add garlic, collard green stems & carrots
  • Cook until stems & carrots soften
  • Add collard green leaves, thyme & 2 tablespoons of water
  • Cook for about 3 minutes or until the leaves are wilting
  • Add salt to taste

Tips for More Flavor
  • Cook greens lightly, just until they start to wilt.
  • Mix strong flavored veggies with sweet or mild flavored ones.
  • Try winter squash and kale with a teaspoon of rosemary.
  • A small amount of herbs can make a big difference in the flavor. Pair up tarragon with green beans or carrots with dill.
  • If veggies start to stick to the pan while you are cooking, add a little water.