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Hilchos Brachos 53 (page 165)
מסעיף טז עד אמצע סעיף יט ודווקא

Appointing Oneself as Chazan
Can an Individual Block the Appointment of a Rov or Chazan?
Why a Ger May Recite the Words 'Our G-d and the G-d of our Fathers'

Appointing oneself as chazan
Someone other than the official chazan may not go to the amud without permission from the person in charge. Even a person who is asked to be chazan should hesitate before agreeing.  He should not, however, be completely resistant. For pesukei d'zimra and selichos, he may accept immediately without any delay. In a shul where nobody is in charge (e.g. a shul with multiple minyanim) a person may go to the amud without being formally sent.
( סעיף טו ו־טז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 53)

Can an individual block the appointment of a Rov or chazan?
Theoretically, every member of the congregation is entitled to an opinion about the shul, the Rov, the chazan, the ba'al korei, etc. It became apparent to the Acharonim, however, that this policy was causing a lot of communal strife, with individuals preventing the installation of a Rov, etc., without good cause. As an alternative, the Acharonim instituted that the majority opinion or the town leaders would make all the decisions.
( סעיף יז וס"ק נא ו־נג)

Why a ger may recite the words 'Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers'
In the times of the Rishonim there were some who refused to allow a ger to serve as chazan because they felt he could not recite the words "our G-d and the G-d of our fathers."(According to this opinion, a ger would say 'the G-d of the fathers of Israel' in his personal Shmoneh Esrei.) The consensus of Rishomin, however, permits a ger to recite the words "our G-d and the G-d of our fathers." Likewise, he may also say "the land that You gave to our fathers" in bentching. The words refer to Avrohom Avinu, who is considered the 'father' of gerim since he taught the non-Jewish world about G-d.
( סעיף יז וס"ק מט ו־נ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 56)

  • A chazan must be careful not to drag out the tefillos in a way that they become a burden on the tzibur. He should not prolong the tefillos even if the congregation appreciates his singing.
  • The poskim discuss whether a chazan whose native pronunciation is different than the shul's should read according to his upbringing or according to the custom of the shul.
  • A blind man can serve as chazan. Some poskim prefer that he should not be appointed as the chazan for the Yamim Noraim unless he previously held the position.
  • Can someone with enemies serve as chazan?

  • When an avel should not daven at the amud

  • Why the ba'al koreh gets the aliyah of the tochacha

