Stop throwing away money! Help protect the environment. We'll show you how! Join today!
Benefits of Partner Membership
Green Hotels Association® Partner Membership includes a listing, description and graphic, photo or logo along with a hot link to your website on our Members webpage. All members are listed on one very long, searchable page alphabetized by state and then by city. A frameable membership certificate is included with each renewal package, which is most often hung in the front desk area for easy guest notice of your propertys environmental stance. Some members post all their years of membership certificates in their lobbies. Guests and clients will definitely enthusiastically praise your greening!
Our number one goal is to give our Partner Members all the information we can gather on how your property can be greenerespecially through saving water, saving energy, reducing solid waste and providing clean air. We consider ourselves educators. Our second goal is to bring more business to your doors. So, at joining and each year at renewal, every member receives a current issue of our Membership Conservation Guidelines & Ideas, a 161-page 8.5x11 book that is truly a cornucopia of information, suggestions, ideas, techniques, processes and procedures that assist in moving each property farther and farther down the green path. Our Guidelines book is absolutely the heart of our organization and of what we offer our members. 22 years ago it was only 15 pages, but we have continually added information to it, so each year new ideas, information, revisions and updates increase its size.
Our six 8-page print issues of our newsletter each year enhance and advance the Guidelines information. We understand from our members that it is very well read! We purposefully send it in print so that it can be passed among management and staff and then to your guests visiting your lobby.
Every Sep/Oct issue of our newsletter focuses on our Partner Members' green successes. Each August we notify all members via e-mail of this opportunity. These exciting success stories are very important to all of our members and share positive environmental PR on every Partner Member included. All of these stories are posted permanently online at Newsletter Lead Articles under More Information.
Beautiful, bright-green pole or front desk member flags are available for purchase. Sizes are 5x3 and 6x4 for a pole flag or to be displayed on a lobby wall.
We would be very proud to have your property as a Partner Member, share our information and Internet attention with you and guide you as you continue on this vastly important green path. JOIN Green Hotels Association® TODAY!
YES! I want to join!
Green Hotels Association® Membership Application Form
PARTNER MEMBER Hotels eager to conserve water, energy and natural resources while reducing solid waste. $1 per guestroom + $200 per year (12 months). Includes hot link + graphic w/web listing.
Add $25 for non-US mailing address.
See greenhotels.com/memship.php e-mail form to green@greenhotels.com or CALL 713/789-8889 TODAY!
Drop soap slivers into the toilet tank. You'll be surprised how much longer it keeps the toilet bowl clean!