
The news in brief...
March 2016

Camp Artaban is back in action! Over the past 3 years, the Board has worked tirelessly to rebuild, restore and relaunch Christian camping at Camp Artaban as well as an appealing rental facility.
We understand that not hearing from us has been frustrating, and for that we apologise.

We know you love Camp as much as we do, and are excited that this great camp is moving forward with it's mission:

The Purpose of Camp Artaban is to bring people into a significant relationship with God, and with each other, in a loving community .

A lot has been happening behind the scenes to get Camp ready for 2016. In February 2016 a new generator was installed to be more energy and cost efficient. High Performance Climbing Walls are nearing completion of new indoor and outdoor climbing walls.

Final touches are being put on the schedule and details will be out soon. We still need lots of volunteers both on site and in town. Please click here to complete a quick, 10 minute survey about how you'd like to help.

Welcome home to Camp!

We need your help! Can you spare a day or two one weekend to help spruce up Camp so it's ready to once again welcome campers?

Come to one or come to all:

11-13 March  2016

18-20 March 2016

23-27 March 2016

There is no cost to come and help at work parties.

Call the Office 604-980-0391 or email Chris at [email protected]

Camp Artaban is available to rent, either in part or as a whole, from March to June and again from 25 July to end of October.

Camp is perfect for everything from cozy retreats to large outdoor education programmes, school groups Guide and Scout groups and even weddings.

The rentals page on our website is currently under construction. 
Please direct any enquires to: [email protected]

For $25 a year, you can be a member of the Camp Artaban Society. Your membership helps Camp to run year round. It also gives you a vote at any general meeting of the membership.

Call the office today to become a member.