Greetings Mamas!

I've been busy this fall - we took Mama Tree Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training on the road for the first time to Indianapolis. It is my hope to make yoga accessible to more mamas and to empower more sisters around the world to teach this ancient and powerful tradition! Where should I teach next? Let me know by replying to this email and stay tuned for new locations coming soon!

In addition to taking Mama Tree on the road I've also starting to expand my pre and postnatal yoga offerings beyond the physical studio. I offer a set of unique classes that you can take at your own schedule (and break into small segments) via Udemy, and STAY TUNED as Prenatal Partners is also coming soon. This will be a great resource if you cannot make it to the workshop in person (I know they sell out early!), or if you'd like to continue with some guidance after attending.
In each newsletter I hope to provide you all with some incredible resources from the community. Enjoy and see you soon!


Jane Recommends - Mama Resources
Mayan Abdominal Therapy for a Healthy Womb
Tips by Amber Dawn Hallet, CMT, ATMAT
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) are a form of bodywork best known for supporting reproductive health, digestion, pregnancy and birth. Women often seek out Maya Abdominal Therapy to improve menstrual health, to balance hormones, to regulate their cycles and decrease pain.  During pregnancy, ATMAT helps women adjust to the massive changes within, encourages babies to be in optimal positions for birth, and welcomes in a timely labor.  After birth or a pregnancy loss, it helps cleanse the uterine lining, returns warmth to the uterus, and revives fertility.

While our bodies are designed to be able to maintain and return to optimal health, sometimes our healing pathways are blocked. Mayan Abdominal Therapy gently restores healing and balance to the reproductive and digestive organs, and to the body structures that support them.  

5 Menstrual Care Tips for a Healthy Womb:
  1. WARM YOUR WOMB.  Cold in the uterus is believed to be a root cause of many uterine issues, including cramps, clots and infertility.  Warming your womb during menstruation is a simple way to replenish yourself and relieve cramping.  Try an epsom salts bath or tucking into bed with a hot water bottle.
  2. DITCH TAMPONS. Typically made of synthetic materials, tampons increase cramping, change the natural pH and moisture balance of the vagina, and introduce toxins.  For your body and the planet, try a natural reusable option like a menstrual cup or cloth pads.
  3. TAKE IT EASY.  The uterus is suspended floating in your pelvis.  During menstruation it's nearly double it's normal size and weight.  That puts strain on the 14 ligaments that hold your uterus and ovaries in place!  Menstruation is a good time to take it easy and avoid all high impact exercises.  Yoga is a great option!
  4. KNOW YOU'RE OPEN.  Your cervix, the gateway to your uterus, your creative center, is literally open during menstruation.  It's wise to be mindful and protective of the influences around you, including, physical, sexual, spiritual and emotional.  Not a good time for skinny dipping at Baker Beach!
  5. HAVE A PERIOD.  The monthly cleansing is essential for feminine health.  If you're on hormonal birth control, even if you bleed regularly, it's not a true period.  Choose a non-hormonal form of birth control like Fertility Awareness Method to welcome back your natural cycles and inner wisdom. And of course, try Maya Abdominal Therapy! 

Use the code LOVEJANE to get 25% off your initial treatment. Take good care!

Nourishing the Busy Mama
Tips by Katie Louderback, Certified Nutrition Consultant
In busy times like the holidays I focus on simple foods that add a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals to a busy Mom's diet. These are all foods that most of us are familiar with but can be nice to focus on when we're busy. These ideas can nourish a pregnancy, a breastfeeding Mom or a Mom with kids of any age.

This Month's Tip: Sprouts  - I am in love with sprouts as they are SO easy to put on just about everything. Sprouts have an incredibly high amount of bioavailable vitamins and minerals since they contain everything a plant will need to grow. They are also rich in enzymes that aid in digestion.  My personal favorites are broccoli, kale or sunflower sprouts.  Also, look for sprouted nuts and seeds for a great on the go snack. 
*It is common advice for women to avoid raw vegetable sprouts during pregnancy.  
Jane Austin Talks with Gena Kirby of
Progressive Parenting Radio!
Podcast Featured

Jane Austin in conversation with Gena Kirby about the benefits of yoga
for women as they transition into motherhood. 

Talking with Jane About the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga 
with Indianapolis Doulas

Jane sat down with the Indianapolis Doulas during her Mama Tree Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training to talk about why yoga is so great for Mamas! 
Liz Miracle, MSPT, WCS
Owner, Miracle Physical Therapy

Liz  is the founder and owner of Miracle Physical Therapy. She enjoys helping women prepare for birth, as well as serving those suffering from diastasis rectii, pelvic girdle pain or pelvic floor dysfunction resulting in pain with intercourse, incontinence, and many other diagnoses.

Liz holds a Certification of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy (CAPP) from the American Physical Therapy Association. She is one of only three pelvic physical therapists in California and the only one in San Francisco who holds both a CAPP and WCS distinction.

Learn More about Liz and Miracle Physical Therapy at .
Mama's Meet Up: Thurs, November 19
Mark your calendars for the third Thursday 
7:30 - 10:30pm at  Pause Wine Bar
(1666 Market @ Gough in SF)

$24 gets you a glass of vino in one hand, and appetizers in the other!  

Hosted by Chris Tavelli (Owner of Pause & Yield Wine Bars),
Jane Austin, Stephanie Forster, & Katie Cariffe

"Wine no Whining" 
Labrinyth Walk: Thurs, November 19
Mark your calendars for the third Thursday 
Starting at 11:45am at  Grace Cathedral
(1100 California Street @ Taylor in SF)

Join Jane Austin and the midwives of the Bay Area Homebirth Collective. We'll gather at 11:45 am and begin walking at noon as the bells start to ring. This is a time for quiet reflection, and a chance to put aside all the thoughts and chatter that busy our minds and distract us from connecting to our authentic selves.

Walking the labyrinth is an ideal way to actively meditate during pregnancy, and another step in preparing for birth.

Everyone is welcome to this FREE event.
What I'm Reading - Reviving Your Sex Life After Childbirth
by Kathe Wallace, PT

Your guide to pain-free and pleasurable sex after the baby

This is such a valuable book for those who are struggling to get their groove back after having a baby. Sleep deprivation and the fatigues of life's daily demand are often enough to prevent us from hopping back into the sack but put pain in the equation and nobody is getting any in your house.

Kathe Wallace is a physical therapist with lots of experience helping women reconnect to their bodies, their yonis and their sexuality. This book is super practical and at just over 100 pages it is a quick read. She has great tips  to help heal from both vaginal and cesarean birth. This is a must read book for mamas who are looking to rediscover a satisfying and pleasurable love life.... yes, it is possible, it might take some effort but it will be worth it, you are worth it. 

If you are experiencing any acute pain please consult with your care provider and seek the help of a physical therapist who specializes in women's  health.

Learn more at
Yoga Classes & Immersions With Jane 
Mama's Self Care Retreat 
w/Stephanie Forster & Katie Cariffe
Memorial Day Weekend
(May 27 - 29, 2016) 
at Mayacamas Ranch in Calistoga, CA

Discover and celebrate all the shifts that occur while you fully embrace motherhood. Immerse yourself in fabulous food, invigorating exercise, and nourishing company. Enjoy Pilates, Yoga and Life Coaching in an inspired framework where you will replenish yourself and learn to integrate self-care into your daily life.

(Note: we've increased capacity for 2016 so tell your friends - we will have the entire property this time!)
In Studio:
Mon, Wed & Fri
10:30am - Noon 
at Yoga Tree Valencia
(1234 Valencia @ 24th) 

Sunday,  11:15am - 12:45pm
(908 Cortland @ Folsom)

Mon, Wed & Fri
12:05 - 1:30pm 
at Yoga Tree Valencia
(1234 Valencia @ 24th) 

Prenatal Online: Strengthening & Opening Course

Practice in shortened segments or take the full 74 minute yoga class.

  • Modifications of yoga postures to accommodate special needs.
  • Breathing practices to calm body and mind.
  • Learn how to reduce or eliminate discomforts.
  • Postures and practices that prepare the body for labor and childbirth.
  • Relaxation, guided visualization + more! 

Prenatal Online: Balancing & Energizing Course 
Practice in shortened segments or take the full 72 minute yoga class.

  • Breathing practices + balancing postures to help with focus, aid in concentration and calm your nervous system. 
  • This course has standing, balancing and back bending postures, along with a challenging arm strengthening sequence.
  • Energize your whole body and reduce stress!
Prenatal Partners 

All workshops are held from 1:15 - 4:15pm.

Yoga Tree Valencia
(1234 Valencia Street @ 24th) 

* Yoga Tree Potrero
(1500 16th Street @ DeHaro)