To See Females in Sport Win by Becoming All that God Created Them to Be
She Entrusts Herself
1 Peter 2:22-23

"He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly
What happens when the weight of life gets thrown at you from every which way? It could be something completely unexpected that involves pain or cost unprepared for, something disrespectful or wrong said or done to you, a thousand things needing to get done that you're responsible for, or if you have people under you (ie. kids or employees) trying to keep everyone around you controlled and happy.

It's easy to get overwhelmed, discouraged, frustrated, angry, confused, doubtful, etc. and have no idea what to do next or how to do it. And everything within us yearns to know and understand those things.

What's interesting is how discreetly we can try to control other people or situations as well as let other people or situations control us, when in reality all we really can control, and to a limited extent, is ourselves.

Control is a powerful word and even may make us cringe at different thoughts associated with it. What we need to know and understand, in those moments where we don't know what to do or how to do it, is that there is One who does know and understand ALL of it...the what, the why, the how, the where, the when. Every answer to every question. Our Lord knows all and is above all.

In the limited control we do have of ourselves, just as Jesus entrusted himself to his Father while bearing the most weight of anyone, we need to do the same, letting Him show us the way through everything and meet our every need.

FYI - Our goal cannot be to make everyone around us happy.
Winning Women Spotlight

Lori is the Athletic Director and Women's Basketball Coach at Huntington University. She has been there ever since attending as a student to play basketball, softball, and major in Elementary Education. She received her masters in Athletic Administration from Ball State and has traveled through multiple athletic positions during her time at Huntington. She is not only good at what she does, but is passionate about it, knowing she's fulfilling the purpose God has for her. She once heard someone say, "Your purpose in life is where your talents and passions meet your burden." Her positions at Huntington are a perfect fit as she pursues her passion and talent in athletics as well as her burden for Christ to be formed in college student-athletes.

**You can listen to more of her story by checking out Winning Women's YouTube channel. See below for more details!
Video Testimonies of Females in Sport
Check out Winning Women's YouTube Channel

Click below to take a peak at some stories of women who are continuing to learn what it means to follow Christ in the world of sports while also impacting others through what they've learned in this often tough environment.
Got Commitment?
New Blog Post by Jasmine Fullove (click picture to view)

Jasmine writes about the importance of where we put our true commitment in light of where it matters most, a tough but crucial thing to confront in the busy world of sports.

Upcoming Events
The Gathering: For Females in Sport

Female Athletes
Female Coaches
Coach's Wives
Moms of Athletes
Female Sports Professionals

"Connecting and Equipping the Female in Sport"

Coming this September to Fort Wayne, IN

Keep your eyes open for more details!
The Manly Minute:
Reconciling the male and female relationship
How can we, as females in sports, better come alongside you in your role that brings glory to God and works for the good of His kingdom on earth?

From a Collegiate Male Athlete: Part One
As a male Christian athlete I have grown to see the dying need for a change of our view of women. Our culture today screams sex from every corner on and off campus. In my experiences, it is the male athletes who have the worst view of women. When males live life together in constant interaction such as male locker rooms, the talk about women is quite derogatory. The worldly view of women in these atmospheres can be very contagious for young Christian athletes who have to deal with the temptation of wanting to fit in. They also have to continue to renew their minds of what women are in Gods eyes. I believe women can better come alongside men for the glory of God and work of His kingdom on earth by prayer, modesty, and intentionality.

This is some background to a male athlete's thoughts and observations behind how women can better come alongside men, before hitting on the actual "how". He sees the brokenness between men and women. He sees where things go wrong on the man's end. He also sees how women don't always help. It's a team effort we're in to fight for God's glory to be shown and known through our lives and relationships.

While we as women cannot control what happens in the male locker room or everything that is said about us among a group of guys, we can do our part.  In the following newsletters we will hear more about how with prayer, modesty, and intentionality.

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