White Paper: Powerful Front-to-Rear Cooling Solutions for Embedded Computing Systems
Cooling an embedded computing system is important for many reasons. Poor heat dissipation can not only cause system failures, but significantly shorten component life. Downtime in applications that require high reliability is not acceptable. It is critical to cool a system properly, while balancing other factors such as size, weight, and acoustic noise.
New Products/Features Pixus Instrumentation Cases Chosen For Rugged Applications Pixus instrumentation cases have gone through rugged internal testing at large Oil & Gas companies and passed with flying colors. This includes the ability to support significant weight with carry handles. The handles support over 350 N of force for the Vario brand and a load capacity for the RiCase brand of 30 kg/pair. The Pixus cases have been used in a wide range of rugged applications including Industrial, Defense, Energy, Railway, and more.
Component Corner
Rugged Double Rails for Mil/Aero, Railway, etc
The Pixus double rails feature mounting holes for a second screw, providing more stability and strength for a modular enclosure. The rails have been tested and used in German railway applications for high resistance to shock/vibration and the ability to handle extreme loads. The extruded aluminum rails come in front and rear versions and with various interfaces. There are sets of 1HP pitch patterns of 2.5M tapped holes for snapping in card guides and mounting backplanes. Pixus' rails can be cut in any length to provide virtually unlimited subrack configurations.