Hello GNF Family,
Please find below a report from my recent trip to Liberia where our team launched WinS with support from the recent GNF grant. We hope you will share with your members and provide us with any feedback or questions.
In February 2016, FACE Africa launched its WASH in Schools (WinS) Program in Central C-1 Education District, Rivercess County with support from the Global Neighborhood Fund. Phase 1 of the program targeted five schools and the goal of WinS is to reduce the number of children under the age of five that are dying or suffering from preventable and treatable diseases by providing access to meaningful sanitation and hygiene education.
The FACE Africa WinS program will advance the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education's efforts in ensuring that schools and it's environ are kept clean, safe and healthy. The program also seeks to provide students across Rivercess with the knowledge and skills needed in ensuring safe and healthy hygiene practices at their schools and homes. WinS also ensures that the knowledge and skills gained will serve as a driving force for students to take positive action against unhealthy and unsanitary conditions at schools and in their communities.
Day 1 of the two-day training brought together six students (3 boys and 3 girls), one community leader, a teacher and a member of the school's PTA from each of the five schools selcted for a total of 45 participants. The training included both in-class discussions about hygiene, a Q&A session, model behaviors, language for children to use to talk about taboo topics like toilet use and conversations about clean water, hand washing with soap, and proper latrine use. The training also included a practical component demonstrating real life examples by visiting nearby creeks and mimicking open defacation. WinS will continue by targeting another 5 schools in the coming months. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that children and their families have access to information and resources that enable them to live longer, healthier lives. Through WinS, we can reduce the incidence of preventable illnesses which will in turn allow children to attend more days of school and come closer to achieving their true potential.
Saran Kaba Jones CEO FACE Africa
Sun Valley Family of Woman Film Festival 2016
Several GNF members attended the Sun Valley Family of Women Film Festival (FOWFF) featuring 5 feature length films, both drama and documentary. Films from around the world are shown focusing on the status of women in different cultures.
Festival themes focus on critical international issues such as the affects of war on women, child marriage and human trafficking. Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist, Stephanie Sinclair presented her work titled "Too Young to Wed."
We recommend the 2016 film titled "Sound of Torture, The Hunting Ground, Dreamcatcher, India's Daughter and Speed Sisters." We especially were impressed with Dreamcatcher and had the opportunity to hear and meet their co-founders who are survivors of human trafficking. For more information familyofwomanfilmfestival.org
Proceeds of sponsorship benefit Women Deliver www.womendeliver.org who will be holding their annual conference in Copenhagen in May. Information regarding the conference is on their website.
Join us for a special evening with Social Entrepreneur, Chid Liberty
April 21
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
at the home of
Sam and Sandra Tyler
2190 Alisos Drive