February 2014


 Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce  


In This Issue



NGCPUpdatesNGCP Updates

Smiling Girl Win a FREE Girls Can Build Program
NGCP recently formed a new partnership with PCS Edventures, a global leader in STEM education. This month, PCS EdventuresLab is giving away a special STEM program for girls. PCS and NGCP will announce the winner during National Engineers Week. Learn about other PCS EdventuresLab Outreach programs and sign up to win a set of Girls Can Build bricks with curriculum (grades K-2 & 3-5) at:

CollaborativeNews Collaborative Network Activities

SciGirls Professional Development Training

Baton Rouge, LA; February 10, 2014; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

At this free, full-day professional development opportunity, learn how to engage girls (ages 8-13) through inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Participants attending SciGirls Trainings will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM.


TxGCP SciGirls Workshop: 4-H CAPITAL

Austin, TX; March 7, 2014; 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM 

4-H CAPITAL is hosting the Texas Girls Collaborative Project for a workshop based on SciGirls, a PBS KIDS weekly series and website out to change how millions of tween girls think about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). 4-H CAPITAL staff and educators are invited to attend this free professional development opportunity and discover how to engage girls (ages 8-13) through research-based, high quality activities and resources.


STEM-ulating Collaboration: Sustaining Equity and Resources for Indiana Girls

Indianapolis, IN; March 19, 2014; 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Attendees will meet and network with individuals who are interested and influential in promoting STEM fields and making STEM more accessible and attractive to people who are not currently represented. Keynotes include Glenda Ritz, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Congresswoman Susan Brooks, Ind-5th District.  

FabFemSpotlightFabFems Spotlight

The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. 


Meet Keshia Ashe, a PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering at the University of Connecticut and the Co-Founder and CEO of ManyMentors. She is passionate about mentoring middle and high school students. She served as a speaker and trainer to educate young people and adults on the benefits of incorporating a youth perspective into strategic decision making. ManyMentors is an organization that aims to inspire, encourage, and support underrepresented students' interest in STEM fields. From middle schoolers to young working professionals, they connect individuals to near-age mentors who can make opportunities in STEM become more visible, valuable, and viable. Read More 


Looking for a FabFem like Keshia to connect with in your area? Search www.fabfems.org.

UpComingSTEMeventsUpcoming STEM Events

Beyond Rigor: Better Ways to Learn What Works and What Doesn't in STEM Formal and Informal Education
Online; February 5, 2014; 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central
Presenters will provide information about best practices for educators and others seeking to improve student interest and achievement in STEM education. Free tips and resources available on the NSF-funded website, BeyondRigor.org, will be shared.

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
Nationwide; February 20, 2013
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day serves as a call to action to focus on getting more girls into engineering and technology. Engineers Week is February 16-22, 2014. Each year "Girl Day" encourages women engineers, with support from their male counterparts, to directly mentor girls (grades K-12) with hands-on experiences in engineering.  


Annual International Women in Aviation (WAI) Conference

Lake Buena Vista, FL; March 6-8, 2014

Participants in the WAI Conference will be immersed in the tactics and strategies necessary for successful aviation careers. 


Educational Competitions Conference

Mountain View, CA; March 9-10, 2014

Attendees will network with peers and competition managers to learn more about using educational competitions to impact students. A 70 percent discount from the regular ticket price is available to Competition Fellows. The fellowship application deadline is February 12, 2014.  


Teaching & Learning 2014
Washington, DC; March 14-15, 2014
At Teaching & Learning 2014 participants will discuss current challenges facing educators and learn about and share solutions that work. Topics include common core state standards, education technology, and advancing issues of equity in the classroom.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Convention
Nashville, TN; March 26-30, 2014
This year's NSBE theme is "Engineering and Leadership in Harmony", which will focus on the development of soft skills to teach participants how to keep work, school, and life in tune. Workshops topics include tools for academic achievement, ways to increase the retention of minority engineering students, music technology, and best leadership practices.

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) Conference
Orlando, FL; March 27-29, 2014
ITEEA is concerned with providing and meeting the professional development needs of classroom teachers, supervisors, curriculum writers, and teacher educators who are interested in developing technological literacy. Conference sessions include A Secret Formula? Female Interest in STEM, Enhancing STEM for African Americans in Low-Income School Districts, and Engineering in Afterschool: Imagine the Possibilities.

National Women in Cybersecurity Conference
Nashville, TN; April 11-12, 2014
This conference brings together women in cybersecurity from academia, research, and industry. Participants will have the opportunity for networking and mentoring. 

 ChampionsCollaborative Leadership Team Member Spotlight

This month we feature Jean May-Brett, MSP Program Director and STEM Partnership Program Coordinator for the Louisiana Department of Education. She was nominated for this spotlight because "she is a driving force for change in education in the state of Louisiana. She works tirelessly to boost the numbers of girls (and boys) in STEM with every opportunity she has. When you need to know someone in the state to collaborate with for girls in STEM, Jean has a contact that gets the ball rolling! Her passion for what the Louisiana STEM Girls Collaborative does is matched only by her compassion all around her. She is truly a Collaborative gem and encompasses what the NGCP is all about."


Jean May-Brett What excites you most about the work you do every day? I love being able to connect people with people and resources, information and partners.

What drew you to participate in the LaSTEM Collaborative Project in a leadership capacity? When I first heard about the NGCP I began anticipating when we would find the way to bring it to Louisiana. And, following some chance and early exchanges with Karen [Peterson] at different events and meetings it was clear once in Louisiana the collaborative would be a means of bringing forward programs to support female students reaching to achieve and succeed. 

Which NGCP resources do you find most valuable?  The people. For now, the national guidance and sharing offered from others in the NGCP network is something we are building our foundation on. We are building our Program Directory and I believe it will be our best tool for work in-state.

How has being involved in NGCP impacted your work? I have been able to add names and organizations to the network of people and programs who are ready to partner in supporting underserved and underrepresented populations in the STEM fields. I have been able to share information with a broader community. As IBM, GE, General Dynamics open their new facilities in Louisiana and the state continues to advance offerings in technical careers, encouraging female students is something we must do for 21st Century success. 

Who are your role models? The most important was my mother. Along the path of my work and career there have been wonderful women who I have learned from and worked with. In college, Dr. Joyce Swartney was all about people and learning. As a K-12 educator, Dr. Sharon Walker provided a scientific push at a time when I might have thought about coasting. When I stepped into the informal education community learning and working at Louisiana Public Broadcasting, it was Claudia Fowler and a great production team who inspired me and gave me a recharge.


African American History Month: In recognition of African American History Month, resources that serve to promote African American students in STEM are highlighted below:


Black Scientists and Inventors Lesson Plan 

To help educators integrate Black History Month into their classrooms, the National Education Association offers a selection of lesson plans. The Black Scientists and Inventors lesson plan features content that celebrates the contributions of African American scientists.


International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA) 

The International Association of Black Actuaries is a professional and student member organization whose mission is to contribute to an increase in the number of black actuaries and to influence the successful career development, civic growth, and achievement of black actuaries.


Code.org's Intro to Computer Science Course

This free course aims to demystify computer science and show K-8 students that it's fun, collaborative, and creative. The course is designed to motivate students and educators to continue learning computer science to improve real world relationships, connections, and life. For a limited time when 15 students finish the course educators will receive $750 to DonorsChoose. If 7 or more of those students are girls, educators can earn an additional $250. 


Computing and Engineering in Afterschool

This Afterschool Alliance issue brief explores how afterschool programs are offering innovative hands-on computing and engineering education opportunities. The brief also highlights the winner of the Afterschool STEM Impact Award, Project GUTS in Santa Fe, NM, and other exemplary programs.


Engineering for You (E4U) 

E4U is a video contest to highlight the impact that engineering has had, or will have, on society. A $25,000 prize will be awarded to the best video that depicts how engineering enhances quality of life and serving the needs of society. The video must highlight a period during the years 1964-2064. Submission deadline: March 31, 2014.


DiscoverE Educator Awards Application 

The DiscoverE Educator Awards recgonize educators who are inspiring tomorrow's innovation generation. Nominate an educator who is helping students discover engineering. Application deadline: March 14, 2014. 


M3 Challenge Logo

Moody's Mega Math Challenge (M3)  

The M3 Challenge is an Internet-based, applied math competition for high school students. The contest is free and open to high school juniors and seniors in 46 US states. Working in teams of three to five, participants solve an open-ended, math-modeling problem focused on a realistic issue-in 14 hours. The Challenge weekend is March 8 and 9, 2014. Registration is now open.


Outreach 4Δ Course 

4Δ is designed to make engineering a possibility for all girls. The course offers a variety of lessons, tools and strategies for educators and volunteers aimed at increasing the capacity and effectiveness of organizations engaged in outreach programs.


Open Meadows Foundation Grant 

The Meadows Foundation awards grants to projects that are led by and benefit women and girls. Grants fund projects that are designed and implemented by women and girls; reflect the diversity of the community served by the project in both its leadership and organization; promote building community power; and have limited financial access or have encountered obstacles in their search for funding. Application deadline: February 15, 2014. 


Top 10 Ways to Increase Girls' Participation in Computing Competitions

Are you interested in getting more girls involved in your computing competition? This Top 10 resource offers simple suggestions to make your competition appeal to a wider range of participants. Taking these steps will benefit all students and help make your event a success. 


NGCP Program Directory - Search for Collaborating Programs or Register Your Program 

The online Program Directory highlights programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. 

 Global Global Resources

Global; March 8, 2014 

International Women's Day celebrates the social, political, and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. "Inspiring Change" is the 2014 theme for our internationalwomensday.com global hub and encourages advocacy for women's advancement. It calls for challenging the status quo for women's equality and vigilance inspiring positive change. International Women's Day news, events, and resources are featured on the global hub site. 

Archived E-Newsletters


To search past issues visit the archives at: http://www.ngcproject.org/newsletter. 


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 Contact Us

EdLab Group

The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit organization with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning


 Email:  kpeterson@edlabgroup.org                  Web: http://www.ngcproject.org


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