Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce
NGCP Updates
Collaboration Institute in Kansas City, MO
On April 7-10, 2014, team members from new and returning Collaboratives met to learn how to effectively lead NGCP activities in their states. Participants engaged in multiple sessions designed to assist in outreach and implementation. The new leadership team members will begin hosting collaborative events across the nation soon. Watch this enewsletter and the NGCP website for event details. The National Girls Collaborative Project currently serves 31 Collaboratives, serving 39 states, that facilitate collaboration between 12,800 organizations serving 8.3 million girls.
NGCP on Immense Possibilities
Dr. Brenda Britsch, co-Principal Investigator of the National Girls Collaborative Project was a guest on the TV show Immense Possibilities. She discussed the NGCP model, gender barriers to STEM, and current trends in girls' and women's participation in STEM.
Collaborative Network Activities
NGCP Collaborative Mini-Grants
NGCP mini-grants are designed to build collaboration between programs and resources. Mini-grant application resources, including a sample application, exemplary practices, project ideas, and frequently asked questions are available online. Open and closing dates are listed below with more information available on Collaborative websites.
Missouri Girls Collaborative STEM Initiative: April 17, 2014 - May 15, 2014
Texas Girls Collaborative Project: May 1, 2014 - May 29, 2014
FabFems Spotlight
Thank you to our FabFems Amy, Erica, Alissa, and LaTisha who volunteered at the USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington D.C. last month!
 | FabFems at the USA Science and Engineering Festival |
Meet Amy, Manager of Pilot Operations at Pixelligent Technologies LLC. She knew she loved science when she completed her first science fair project in second grade.
Meet Erica, Meteorologist at WUSA-TV. Her curiosity about how things work led her to pursue science as a career.
Meet Alissa, Cell Culture Engineer at the National Institutes of Health. She shares her experiences and insights with young girls to motivate a passion in them for STEM.
Meet LaTisha, Integrated Navigation, Controls and Displays System Lead at NAVAIR. She formed a mentor group with a local high school to help students prepare for college.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. If you are a role model, submit a profile on FabFems.org to show girls what you do and what you are passionate about.
Upcoming STEM Events
Feminine Norms: A Key to Improving STEM Outcomes
May 20, 2014; 2:00 PM Eastern
Webinar attendees will leave with a better understanding of gender concepts and terms, research on gender norms and STEM, and how feminine norms can impact STEM attrition during adolescent and teenage years.
TownHall Conference Calls
May-June 2014
Hosted by STEMconnector, these calls convene thought leaders and key voices from across the stakeholder community to present perspectives from industry, government, education, and non-profits working on STEM-related issues. Upcoming calls include Science Centers: Powering STEM Learning and STEM Higher Education Council Town Hall.
Cyberlearning Summit 2014
Madison, WI; June 9-10, 2014
Participants will discuss advances in the design of technology-mediated learning environments, how people learn with technology, and how to use cyberlearning technologies to effectively collect, analyze, and manage data to shed light on learning.
Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) National Conference
Minneapolis, MN; June 9-11, 2014
The WEPAN conference provides a forum for women engineering leaders, corporate advocates, researchers, academic leaders, and government officers. Practitioners will have access to current research, statistics, and best practices on women in engineering.
Esri Education GIS Conference
San Diego, CA; July 12-15, 2014
Attendees will discuss emerging best practices and challenges in geographic information system (GIS) education, participate in hands-on training and technical workshops to improve GIS skills, and learn about Esri resources.
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference St. Charles, IL; July 14-15, 2014
The CSTA conference is a professional development opportunity for computer science and information technology teachers who need practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future.
Techbridge Summer Institute
Oakland, CA; July 30- August 1, 2014
The summer institute will offers strategies and curriculum for engaging girls in STEM. Participants will explore inquiry-based activities and learn how to recruit and engage girls in STEM programs, implement Techbridge's hands-on curriculum for grades 5-12, plan field trips and visits with role models, expand family outreach, and integrate career exploration into existing programs.
Collaborative Leadership Team Member Spotlight |
This month we feature Kristy Jackson, Career Link Manager at the East Dakota Educational Cooperative. She was nominated to this spotlight because of her dedication to the success of the Great Plains Girls Collaborative (GPGP). Her passion for increasing girls in STEM is one of many qualities that drives the success of the Collaborative. Kristy is always jumping in to help with events and forums that are local or distant, helping to organize the NCWIT aspiration awards, and connecting resources to other GPGP participants as well as teachers.
 What excites you most about the work you do every day? As the Career Link manager, I connect students and teachers with the business community and create opportunities to help them grow. I enjoy lifting others and "nudging" them as they take their first steps onto their career path. I love being able to help students recognize and capitalize on opportunities. As a board member for a local non-profit (Women in Science), I help to plan an annual career exploration conference for 8th grade girls. It is a big, high-energy event that brings together dozens of female STEM professionals who discuss their classes, careers, and how they handled the obstacles along the way. It is exciting to know we are helping girls to realize their potential, focus their energy, and visualize new possibilities for their life. What drew you to participate in the Great Plains Collaborative Project in a leadership capacity? My organization had collaborated with Sanford Research in the implementation of STEMwise, which is a professional development conference for STEM teachers. Shortly after that I was invited to participate in an exploratory meeting for the Great Plains Girls Collaborative Project. I'm so glad I went! I've been impressed with the support, networking opportunities, and forward-thinking resources that are provided by the NGCP. Which NGCP resources do you find most valuable? I love to learn from others' experiences, and tweak them into something that works for us. With that said, I most value the networking, forums, recorded webinars, and newsletters, all of which are great sources for new ideas. How has being involved in NGCP impacted your work? My NGCP involvement has impacted my work in many ways. The Collaboration Institute was like a breath of fresh air and I still use resources from that training to this day. I also greatly appreciate the diverse membership this group attracts. It has been awesome to meet other like-minded women, learn about their industries, and to discover how much our goals overlap. Who are your role models? The strengths of others inspire me daily! When I was younger, I looked up to my internship supervisor at the college career center where I worked. She nudged me out of my comfort zone many times, often realizing that I was ready for bigger things before I realized it myself. I appreciate today that I am able to do that same thing for my own students.
STEM Resources
May is American Wetlands Month
In May, the Environmental Protection Agency, and its partners, celebrate the vital importance of wetlands to the Nation's ecological, economic, and social health. It is also a great opportunity to discover and teach others about the important role that wetlands play in our environment and the significant benefits they provide.
Girlstart Summer Camps
Girlstart Summer Camps are week-long STEM programs for girls entering the 4th-8th grades. Camps include a balance of hands-on STEM activities, relevant technology, collaborative team building and informal camp fun.
NCWIT's By the Numbers
The National Center for Women and Information Technology's (NCWIT) Women in IT: By the Numbers presents the most compelling statistics on women's participation in IT.
NPower Technology Checkups
NPower is offering free technology checkups to nonprofits. Nonprofits will meet virtually with a team of consultants to discuss current technology pain points, wish list, and receive specific recommendations for improvements. Check up services include: Social Media; website; and general technology. To apply register with the Community Corps, if you are not already a member fill out this brief program registration form. Application deadline is May 31, 2014.

The STEM Resources Learning Center's (STELAR) new website features resources and projects from the National Science Foundation's ITEST program. Learn more about ITEST by exploring the project profiles, access resources designed to support educators in developing and evaluating STEM programs, and stay informed on the latest news and events in field.
Tech Trek
Tech Trek is a science and math camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women who will enter eighth grade in the fall. It features hands-on activities in math, science, and related fields.
Vital Signs
Vital Signs measures the health of the K-12 STEM learning enterprise and offers a state by state comprehensive picture of STEM, the demand for and supply of STEM skills, what states expect of students, students' access to learning opportunities, and the resources schools and teachers have for their work.
NGCP Program Directory: Find Summer Camps! The online Program Directory highlights programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. Users may search for summer camp offerings by zip code.
Global Resources |
Girls: A No Ceilings Conversation
No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, which is working to advance progress for women and girls around the world, hosted its first live and virtual dialogue to hear about the lives, experiences, and aspirations of girls. People from around the world were able to hear firsthand from girls who offered their thoughts and advice for how young women can help and empower themselves and the other women in their communities.
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit organization with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.
Email: kpeterson@edlabgroup.org Web: http://www.ngcproject.org