United Way of North Central Florida Electronic Newsletter for the week of March 7_ 2016

Greetings!  We are excited to premiere our new agency e-newsletter. Each month, more than 5000 of loyal United Way volunteers and donors receive important updates from us about great things happening in our community. As we strive to improve how we deliver these updates to you, we are pleased to present a brand-new, easy-to-read and beautifully illustrated format so that you, as our most valued partner, can remain connected to the UWNCFL family of services, partner agencies and volunteer opportunities in Alachua, Bradford, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy and Union Counties. 

Together, we can make a difference. We can change lives. We can #LiveUnited!

Deborah V. Bowie, CCE, IOM
President & Chief Executive Officer
2015 Campaign Finale taking place on March 17_ 2016. Click photo for more details.
UWNCFL will be giving away large numbers of adult books through March 31_ 2016. Click photo for more details.
UWNCFL_s weekly Small Business Spotlight. This week_s spotlight is of Brian Knepp of Raintree Graphics. Click photo for his interview.
United Way
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