March 7, 2016

What's Happening This Week at

Editor's Pick   

Please come celebrate our new Center and our 10th Anniversary as a website! We would love to meet you on Sunday, March 20 -- any time from 3 - 8 p.m. -- for conversation, birthday cake, refreshments, and a 5 p.m. Blessing Ceremony of S&P's new home next door to the Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California.

Tuesday, March 8, is International Women's Day. These quotes and films give you much to consider as you look for ways to accelerate parity, respect, and fairness in your organization and the world.
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Taoist Deng Ming-Dao writes that "words last as if written on the body." Imagine what that means for civil conversation in politics, in our workplaces, in our homes, and in our closest relationships! These quotes, practices, and excerpts can help you fine-tune your ability to use words only to help, hone, and heal.

A new e-course by Joan Chittister        
April 3 - 30, 2016

How do you develop a merciful heart in this Jubilee Year of Mercy? Joan Chittister -- whose life has been devoted to compassionate action -- offers guidance through readings, mantras, daily practices, and opportunities to share your concerns and discoveries. 
by Maggie Oman Shannon        
April 4 - 29, 2016

We're delighted to welcome back Maggie Oman Shannon with this e-course, warmly received when it was first offered four years ago. Renew your prayer life with 12 different creative possibilities including altars, God boxes, mandalas, prayer flags, and treasure maps. 

Directed by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, and Jared Bush

This admirable expression of idealism -- as Judy Hopps, the lead bunny, steadfastly believes that different groups can and must live together in peace -- is also good fun for children and grownups alike.

More Films:
Colliding Dreams, They Will Have to Kill Us First, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny

Various Directors

This addictive television drama set in a luxurious Edwardian mansion has captured the hearts and minds of millions with its robust storylines bursting with emotion, conflict, and cliffhangers. The sixth and final season ended Sunday night; we review the DVDs.

More DVDs:
She's Beautiful When She's Angry, The Danish Girl, Flowers, Youth, Jafar Panahi's Taxi, Noble, In the Heart of the Sea 

Realizing Soul
By Paul Brunton 

This selection of quotes on the inner voyage, the ego illusion, grace, and other themes relevant to spiritual questers draws us into the profound comfort found in ever-increasing knowledge of life's beneficent purpose.
More Books: How to Live an Awesome Life, Discovering Signs & Symbols 

Spiritual Literacy Blog
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat 
American politicians have given us a sacred teaching moment: they have made it possible for us to witness the denied parts of our selfishness, bigotry, greed, and entitlement as we ponder the possible perilous impact of our national shadow. 
From Our Wisdom Archive   

Did you know that you can use the global search at the top of each page of the S&P website to find our content on a subject you're investigating, like "politics"? The "Filter" will sort the returns by sections of the site. 

A Thought to Carry with You  

Way back in 1971, humorist Erma Bombeck wrote that it seems "rather incongruous that in a society of supersophisticated communication, we often suffer from a shortage of listeners." She was not only perceptive but prophetic.

This week, help reverse the trend. Look for a way each day to listen to someone, letting go of any other agenda. Remember all the tools at your disposal: concentrated silence, a nod, simple words of support like "um hmm" or "oh?" or "wow!" Reflect back what you hear the other person saying, so that they can hear themselves more clearly. Ask follow-up questions like "How come?" or "What happened then?" Offer gentle encouragement to someone by your unconditionally accepting presence. It's okay if that someone is yourself.

Your Spirituality & Practice Team 
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat 
Patricia Campbell Carlson 
Darren Polito