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(Editorials and research articles are selected by Jack McKay, Executive director of the HML. Topics are selected to provoke a discussion about the importance of strong public schools.
McKay is Professor Emeritus from the University of Nebraska-Omaha in the Department of Educational Administration and a former superintendent in Washington state.) Feedback is always appreciated.

Documentary Follows the Money Corrupting Our Schools  by Anthony Cody on the Living in Dialogue site  

  A new documentary will be released in community-based screenings across the country on August 14th. This film could provide a powerful boost to local efforts to organize resistance to the corporate takeover of public schools. It is called Education Inc, and it tells the tale all too familiar to many of us - that of the drive to privatize one of the few public institutions left in our withering democracy.

If you are frustrated by what you see happening in your local schools, if your school board is beset by billionaire-sponsored candidates, and charter schools are starving neighborhood schools of funding, this film might give you a much needed rallying point. The film's creator is making it available for community showings, and is building for a one-day national release on August 14.  See trailer below.

Education Inc. Trailer 











Oregon: Stand for Children Opposes Parents Right to Opt Children Out of Testing   by Diane Ravitch on the Ravitch blog

"Stand for Children" was once a civil rights group; it once advocated for more funding and for programs to help children. Then it was taken over by the corporate reform movement and became outspoken against unions and teachers. The budget surged into the millions, due to its new-found friends (the Gates Foundation, the Walton Foundation, and friends from Bain Capital). In Illinois, it bought up all the top lobbyists to push through a bill to limit teachers'  rights and prevent teachers in Chicago from striking. Stand's founder, Jonah Edelman, boasted about his success in beating the unions and was videotaped doing so at the Aspen Institute  (here is the videotape). (He later apologized for what he said but not for what he did.) In Massachusetts, Stand threatened an expensive referendum to eliminate teachers' job rights and won.


Telling Us About Learning   by   Saga Briggs on the Inform ED site
  It's rare for educators to be kept in the scientific loop, and rarer still to encounter research that might actually compel us to change our teaching habits. But these ten findings are the real deal- the gamechanging brain science we like to hear and the practical guidelines we can follow to integrate it into our daily routine. Let's make a point to stay in the know and use what we can.

  When spirits were low, enthusiasm made us optimistic. When energy levels were depleted, enthusiasm helped us find a second wave. When we wanted to give up, those with enthusiasm said, "Keep going." It helped us get to the finish line. 


Now becoming enthusiastic is not easy, especially when doing something daunting like taking the stage in front of 1,000 people - or even 100. The demands of your day, travel schedule, or the presentation itself already provide a fair amount of stress. But, you need to overcome these obstacles. Why? Because enthusiasm matters. It displays passion. It displays conviction. It displays that you care about your topic and your audience.


Why Technology Won't Fix Education  by  Kevin Giffhorn  on the Insight site. 











What's the Difference Between a Voucher, Charter, and Public School?  on the StopTakeOver site

  The more the people of Milwaukee find out about the Takeover of MPS, the more concerns and questions they have. One question keeps being asked is: What's the difference between a voucher, charter, and public school? This non-partisan report was published in 2012, and although some of the numbers have changed since 2012, it should help answer many of these questions for people.
In recent decades, there has been an expansion of the types of schools in Milwaukee receiving public tax dollars. In some areas, differences may seem slight. In other areas, there are significant differences. This is especially true in terms of students' rights, public accountability, and democratic oversight.
There are three main types of schools in Milwaukee that receive public tax dollars:
* Private voucher schools, charging tuition but also open to students who receive publicly funded vouchers. 
The biggest difference between voucher schools and charter and traditional schools is that, by definition, voucher schools are private schools and can provide religious-based instruction.

  Gov. Scott Walker and his allies are advancing one of the most radical assaults on public education in recent history, by bombarding Wisconsin's highly regarded schools, from kindergarten through the state university system, with draconian spending cuts, anti-union and corporate-style governance and ending faculty tenure. 
As was the case several years ago when Walker and a Republican-majority legislature took away collective bargaining rights for most state workers (public safety unions were exempted), the 2016 presidential candidate and his Republican crew are ignoring overwhelming public protest to impose their right-wing, anti-union, anti-academic freedom agenda.  


Next Time Someone Mocks Teachers For Making Less Money, Show Them This.  Illustrations by Gavin Aung Than, words by Taylor Mali on the Zenpencil site




  The Horace Mann League  on the The Horace Mann league site


"School Performance in Context:  The Iceberg Effect"   by James Harvey, Gary Marx, Charles Fowler and Jack McKay.

To download the full or summary report,

Summary Report, Click here 

Full Report, click here 

To view in an electronic magazine format,

Summary Report, click here.

Full Report, click here 


A Few Political Cartoons for the Week







Horace Mann Prints

 The 11 * 18 inch print is available for individual or bulk purchase.  Individual prints are $4.00.  Discount with orders of 50 or more.  

For additional information about this or other prints, please check here.





A Gift:  On the Art of Teaching   by Horace Mann

In 1840 Mann wrote On the Art of Teaching. Some of HML members present On the Art of Teaching to new teachers as part of their orientation program.  On the inside cover, some write a personal welcome message to the recipient.  Other HML members present the book to school board members and parental organizations as a token of appreciation for becoming involved in their schools.  The book cover can be designed with the organization's name.  For more information, contact the HML ( Jack McKay)


All the past issues of the HML Posts are available for review and search purposes.
Finally, 7 links that may be of interest to you.
Jack's Fishing Expedition in British Columbia - short video



Reprinted with permission.



About Us
The Horace Mann League of the USA is an honorary society that promotes the ideals of Horace Mann by advocating for public education as the cornerstone of our democracy.


President: Dr. Charles Fowler, Exec. Director, Suburban School Administrators, Exeter, HN
President-elect: Dr. Christine  Johns-Haines, Superintendent, Utica Community Schools, MI
Vice President: Dr. Martha Bruckner, Superintendent, Council Bluffs Community Schools, IA
1st Past President: Mr. Gary  Marx, President for Public Outreach, Vienna, VA
2nd Past President: Dr. Joe Hairston, President, Vision Unlimited, Reisterstown, MD

Dr. Laurie Barron, Supt. of Schools, Evergreen School District, Kalispell , MT
Dr. Evelyn Blose-Holman, (ret.) Superintendent, Bay Shore Schools, NY
Mr. Jeffery Charbonneau, Science Coordinator, ESD 105 and Zillah HS, WA
Dr. Carol Choye, Instructor, (ret.) Superintendent, Scotch Plains Schools, NJ
Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director, Illinois Assoc. of School Admin. IL
Dr. Linda Darling Hammond, Professor of Education, Stanford U. CA
Dr. James Harvey, Exec. Dir., Superintendents Roundtable, WA
Dr. Eric King, Superintendent, (ret.) Muncie Public Schools, IN
Dr. Steven Ladd, Superintendent, (ret.) Elk Grove Unified School District, Elk Grove, CA 
Dr. Barry Lynn, Exec. Dir., Americans United, Washington, DC
Dr. Kevin Maxwell, CEO, Prince George's County Schools, Upper Marlboro, MD
Dr. Stan Olson, President, Silverback Learning, (former supt. of Boise Schools, ID)
Dr. Steven Webb, Supt. of Schools, Vancouver School District, WA

Executive Director:
Dr. Jack McKay, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 
560 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 (360) 821 9877
To become a member of the HML, click here to download an application.