Have you ever failed?
Like epically failed?
Like wiped out so badly that bystanders wince and turn away?
Well, if not, I pray you are so fortunate someday.

Wiping out is not for amateurs, by the way. Amateurs do not run out and take the big wave and have the worst day of their life. No, big wipeouts take lots and lots of practice. In fact, you may be so good at picking the right waves to take smaller wipeouts on, that it's barely noticeable. You've recovered a thousand times.

And then one day an otherwise manageable wave approaches. You hop on because it's what you do… But then the skies close in and a hurricane swells up around you. Your wave is now a terror story. Maybe a life and death story.

Well, congratulations!
You now have to decide to sink or swim.
This is the story of going IN. And going in BIG. If you've been fortunate enough to have been diagnosed with cancer, have a stroke, any number of dis-eases in your body, a marriage collapse, and addiction that led to a meltdown, a bankruptcy, a heart attack, a prison sentence, a family member disown you, or any other circumstance that leaves you curled up in the fetal position, you have been handed the key to Inner Work Door #1.

Behind Inner Work Door #1 is a whole heap of struggle. It's swimming upstream, in the rain, on an empty stomach. But you're fighting to find YOU under the falsities, the doubts, the grasping beliefs, the inner judgment, the fear, the shame. YOU are in there. YOU, at the core, are the calm waters of a summer lake. YOU don't need waves to make life exciting or worthwhile, to get attention, or to cover up the past.

This would be a good place for a story...and I have a few of my own to share, but you'll just have to wait for another day. I WILL say that only a matter of a few years ago, if I was reading this, I would have ignored every word. Inner work is not the least bit attractive unless you have something valuable to lose. I get it.
So, unfortunately, if you have not had an epic fail, you have a harder job. You have to be the student of more subtle patterns. And maybe you can stir the motivation to go IN. If not, don't you worry, you'll get your wipeout eventually.
This week at The Shift
MONDAY Free Sharing and Meditation Circle 3pm

MONDAY Qigong with Rob

THURSDAY-MONDAY Spring Break, Studio Closed. Classes resume Tuesday the 19th!
Coming Up!!
FRIDAY April 22 Sumi-e Painting Workshop with Costanza Knight
$15 12:45-1:45

SUNDAY April 24 Yoga Nidra Workshop with Jenne Sluder $20 4-6pm Register at jennesluder.com

THURSDAY & FRIDAY April 28th and 29th
Balance and Stability Workshop 1:00-3:30 both days $75

Free Health Talks, 2 Speakers

TUESDAY May 17 Tibetan Singing Bowl Workshop with internationally recognized Benjamin Iobst $35

Aerial Yoga for kids and adults coming soon!!!
Lost and Found items waiting for their owners. Come claim, please! :)
This is me at a Rob Bell event this weekend trying to convince him to come speak at The Shift. (Doesn't hurt to ask!) He's got some important wisdom to share (as do you!). If you want to hear what I listen to while I run, click below.

If YOU want to speak at The Shift, let me know! Such amazing stories out there!
Just FYI, Gary and I are making room in our schedules for 30 minute free (confidential) personal consultations. Get some insight on your wellness goals, inner journey, pain relief, or goals. Just email [email protected] to schedule.
Final Thought:

"Don't surrender your loneliness
So quickly.
Let it cut more deep."

The Shift is located at 708-B Fleming St in Hendersonville across from Pardee Hospital.

Ph: 828-290-0004
Cell: 828-712-3679
The Shift Website