ideas + action = change

IDEAS (Worth thinking about over the holidays.)

Want to turn would into could?

I wish my staff would take over the company.
I wish my staff could take over the company.
Unfortunately, they are not ready or interested.

I wish my children would take over the company.
I wish my children could take over the company.
Unfortunately, they are not ready or interested.

I wish someone would buy my company.
I wish someone could buy my company.
Unfortunately, we are not ready and no one is interested.

I wish I would have sold my business sooner.
I wish I could have sold my business sooner.
Unfortunately, I was not ready or interested.


Give me a call directly at 416-270-2466 and ask about our new 12 part program.
Pre Sale Business Transition Coaching starting Fall 2015.


Turn would into could. Be ready and interested to sell.


Eric Gilboord

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PS While you're sipping on a cold beverage, think about what you could do after you transition. 75 Things To Do When You Exit Your Business

WBDC logo Feb 26, 2013

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