It is with deep sadness that we share with you the news that two beloved members of our All Saints' family have passed away: Linda Bradley, former Head of School, on February 6th and Father Paul Danielson on March 1st. Both will be greatly missed and forever remembered by the entire extended school community.

Linda Bradley dearly loved All Saints' Day School, and it showed in all her actions. She began her twenty-five year career at All Saints' in 1978 teaching fifth grade, followed by math and science in the upper grades. She excelled at motivating students at all levels. Linda stepped up to leadership positions as the head of the Upper Grades, served as interim Head of School at a very critical time, and then finished her tenure as Head of School, retiring in 2003. She was strongly committed to doing what was best for the students and the school and she remained a faithful supporter of All Saints' after her retirement. She was surrounded by her loving family when her battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) ended; there was no public memorial service. We will long remember Linda for the positive impact that she had on All Saints' Day School and on the members of the school community to whom she was dedicated for so many years.

Father Paul touched countless lives in countless ways during his years as Chaplain at All Saints' from 1984 to 2001. Ever the consummate teacher, his intellect and humor ensured that chapel lessons were always memorable as well as compelling to young and old alike. In addition to providing wise counsel as Chaplain, Fr. Paul taught religion and P.E. to eager students over the years and provided important leadership to the school during transition times. He was also known as "The Happy Wanderer" for his love of the Chapel song and his love of hiking and conservation, which he pursued with joy. A selfless individual who cared deeply about others, Fr. Paul was the spiritual leader and a true role model for the All Saints' community. Over the years he married and buried, baptized and blessed, numerous alums and people of all faiths. Although his family was close at hand, his death from stomach cancer was unexpected. A memorial service has not yet been scheduled.

From the words of Fr. Paul in the 2000-2001 yearbook:
"As always my blessing is with you, each step of the way;
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind blow at your back, may the sun shine warmly on your face, may the rain fall softly on your field, and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of his hand. Amen."

All Saints' Day School's Chaplain Holly Hudson-Louis offers this prayer in honor of Linda Bradley and Fr. Paul Danielson:

" Father of all, we pray to you for Linda and for Paul, and for all those whom we love but see no longer. Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the departed, rest in peace. Amen."