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Hilchos Tefillin 25 (page 70)

When to Remove the Tefillin on Mondays and Thursdays

Why the Tefillin are Removed Before Musaf on Rosh Chodesh

Removing the Tefillin Hurriedly on Rosh Chodesh 


When to remove the tefillin on Mondays and Thursdays 

On days that the Torah is read, it is customary not to remove the tefillin before the Torah is returned to the Aron Kodesh. These days include Mondays, Thursdays, Taniesim and Chanuka. In congregations where the Torah is returned only after the kadish following Uva Letzion, the tefillin should not be removed until the Torah is returned after kadish. There is an allusion in a pasuk to the idea of wearing tefillin when returning the Torah to the Aron Kodesh, as is written: "Their king [represented by the Torah] went before them and Hashem [represented by the tefillin] was at their head."

(סעיף יג וס"ק נז)


Why the tefillin are removed before Musaf on Rosh Chodesh 

On Rosh Chodesh the tefillin are removed before Musaf. One reason for this is because there are communities that recite the kedusha of Keser on Rosh Chodesh and it is not appropriate to talk about Hashem's crown when we are wearing our own crown [the tefillin]. Also, Rosh Chodesh Musaf recalls korbanos similar to those brought during Yom Tov/Chol Hamoed,  osos when tefillin are not worn.

(סעיף יג וס"ק סא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 77)



Removing tefillin hurriedly on Rosh Chodesh 

The tefillin are removed between kadish and the Musaf Shemoneh Esrei. It is customary to remove the tefillin hurriedly in order to minimize the interruption between kadish/Uva Letzion and Shemoneh Esrei. Some poskim write (in reference to the custom of returning the Torah immediately after it is read) that there should not be a break between kadish and Musaf, and the tefillin should be removed during Uva Letzion after the words "yehi ratzon...shenishmor chukeicha". It is appropriate to remove the tefillin after these words since in earlier times a beracha -lishmor chukav - was recited when removing tefillin. For this reason, many people start removing the tefillin (unwrapping the straps from the fingers) after reciting these words on regular days.

(ס"ק נט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 74-76)




  • If the shel yad loosened before the shel rosh was put on, it may be tightened without a new beracha. If the shel yad or shel rosh loosened at a later point, they should be tightened with a new beracha.
  • According to the Mechaber and Gra, if someone removed his tefillin to adjust the knot, a new beracha is required. According to the Rama, a new beracha is not necessary.
  • Ideally, the tefillin should be worn until after the kedusha of Uva Letzion, and according to Kabalah they should be worn until the wearer hears kadish three times and kedusha four times. (Barchu is counted as a kedusha for this purpose.)




  • Where on one's arm should the tefillin be?

  • Washing hands after donning tefillin

  • Someone who is unable to don both tefillin





