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Hilchos Tefillin 31 (page 80)

Why Tefillin are not Worn on Shabbos and Yom Tov
Moving Tefillin on Shabbos
Wearing Tefillin on Chol Hamoed


Why tefillin are not worn on Shabbos and Yom Tov

Shabbos, Yom Tov (including Yom Tov sheni in chutz la'aretz) and tefillin are all referred to as ois.  Wearing the ois of tefillin on Shabbos or Yom Tov would detract from the special status of these days , and doing so is forbidden.  Wearing tefillin on these days for the sake of the mitzva is also a violation of ba'al tosif. Mid'rabonon, one may not wear them on these days even if they are not being worn for the sake of the mitzva. The poskim discuss whether they may be worn in private if they are not being worn for the sake of the mitzva.

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Moving tefillin on Shabbos 

The poskim discuss whether tefillin are in the class of keli shemelachto l'heter, which would allow them to be moved on Shabbos for their protection (e.g. to prevent theft or water damage), of if they are a keli shemelachto l'issur and can be moved only letzorech gufo or mekomo. Under normal circumstances it is proper to be stringent. It is permissible to move tefillin found (in their case) on the floor to a more respectable place. According to some poskim, the area where the tefillin were found should then be used, so that the act of moving them can be considered letzorech mekomo.

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Wearing tefillin on Chol Hamoed

Someone who was unable to put on tefillin earlier may don them during bein hashemashos without a beracha. He may put the tefillin on even if he already davened ma'ariv, but a beracha is not recited on them after ma'ariv even if ma'ariv was davened during the day (since by reciting Shema and ma'ariv he has designated this time as night). Kabalas Shabbos is not like davening ma'ariv, and someone who was unable to put on tefillin earlier may don them after Kabalas Shabbos-with a beracha before shekia, and without a beracha after shekia.

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  • Someone who must set out on a journey before the time for donning tefillin and will be unable to put them on while travelling may don his tefillin without a beracha before daybreak. Once it is light, he should adjust the tefillin and recite the beracha.

  • There is a machlokes as to whether someone sitting in shul with tefillin on may continue wearing them after dark if the other people in shul are aware that he donned them during the day.

  • Someone who was unable to put on tefillin earlier may don them without a beracha during bein hashmashos. He may put the tefillin on even if he already davened ma'ariv, but no beracha is recited after ma'ariv even if he davenedma'ariv during the day.







  • The number of compartments and scrolls in the tefillin

  • The order of writing the parshios

  • The large daled of Echad






