Mother's Day
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15% off
MELT hand and foot kits,
Foam Rollers,
and Love Bottles

on sale now thru May 15th  
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Dear Members, Clients and Friends,


This one is not about training hard this is about the recovery.

While a massage is luxurious and can feel as though you are being pampered, it is more self-care than it is luxury. For instance, most people would agree that massage aids in relaxation. It is able to calm the body and mind as it allows your system to rest.
Such a feat is accomplished via the nervous system. As your therapist is working, the sensory receptors in your skin are sending signals to the brain. If the brain decides that it likes that touch, it then sends a message to relax those muscles and connective tissues. With teeth-gritting pressure on the other hand, not only is your massage no longer relaxing and soothing to your nervous system, but it can cause your muscles to tense up and harden even more.
As your body moves into relaxation, your nervous system can switch from a "fight or flight" response to a "rest and digest" response thereby releasing all those "feel good" hormones. This can then help nourish your internal system, encouraging the smoother functioning of emotional and physical responses to everyday life.
Moreover, because massage encourages blood flow and circulation in addition to that deep relaxation to muscle bodies, it can help maintain overall well-being and aid in speedy recovery as we train and lead active lives.
Notably, many professional sports teams, including local heroes The Trail Blazers, have a permanent massage therapist on staff. Train like a professional and love your body at the same time!

 Meet our Beautiful Licensed Massage Therapy team! 

Tuesdays 9 AM - 2:30 PM and 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursdays 4 PM - 8:30 PM
Saturdays 12 PM - 5:30 PM
Thursdays 9 AM - 2:30 PM
Fridays 2:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Wednesdays  and Fridays 9 AM - 2:30 PM
every other Sunday 10 AM - 4 PM
Julia (not pictured)
Mondays 9 AM - 12:30 PM
every other Sunday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Events and Program
  • Boot Camps Co-ed and Dudes Only options. Bring your buddies and train hard.
  • Dog Mountain Hike and Training Group - begins Tuesday, April 26th.
  • New small group trainings, including core, flexibility, HIIT, boxing, Pilates, and more!
Spring Wellness Challenge 2016

Biggest Loser:
Anne Pechovnik 4.11%

Push-up Winners: 
B - Joy Meskel 50 
I - Jess Mezmer 65 
A - Heidi Spafford 44

Daily Activities Winner: 
Allison Higgins

Team Bragging Rights:  
Team Magnificent 1.58%

Current Grand Prize List:

90 minute massage at NWWF
Gift Certificate to Crisp
Gift Certificate to ChiroWay

More to come!