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The proper wording of sefiras ha'omer
The  Mechaber writes out the proper wording for to be said for  sefiras ha'omer.  "Today is one day..." is followed by "Today is two days..." etc., until the seventh day, when the words "which is one week" are added. On the eighth day we say "Today is eight days, which is one week and one day...", and the rest of the days and weeks are counted in a similar manner. The  Rama adds the word  ba'omer at the end of each phrase. The Mishnah Berurah observes that most  poskim spell the word with a  lamed- la'omer-and this, indeed, is the version of the  Arizal. Nevertheless, the  Graand  Chazon Ish stick with  ba'omer. In an effort to fulfill both customs, there are people who count twice-once with  la'omer and once with  ba'omer.
( סעיף א וס"ק ח; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 30)

 Hilchos Tefilla 124 (page 297)
 מסימן קכד אמצע סעיף ח ולא יענה אמן יתומה עד סעיף ט

Responding Amein Without Hearing the Beracha
Until When Can You Answer Amein?
Hearing the Beracha

Responding Amein without hearing the beracha
According to the Mechaber, it is permissible to respond Amein without hearing a beracha or kaddish if one hears others responding. According to the Rama, responding in this case falls under the issur of Amein chatufa. If a person has a general idea of which beracha is being said (e.g. he hears the final word ' tefillin' but does not know which of the two berachos on tefillin the speaker was reciting, or he hears the words ' nosein haTorah' but does not know if the speaker was reciting the first or final beracha on the Torah reading), he is permitted to respond even according to the Rama because he knows which mitzva the speaker was referring to.
( סעיף ח וס"ק לא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 51-52)
Up to what point can you answer Amein?
According to the Rama, an Amein yesoma is defined as allowing more than kdei dibbur to elapse between hearing the beracha and responding Amein. Other poskim hold that as long as the listener did not create an interruption by speaking after hearing the beracha, he may still answer Amein. A third opinion holds that an Amein becomes a yesoma only after the speaker has begun a new topic (e.g. he starts the next beracha). If the chazan draws out the words v'imru Amein in kaddish, it is proper not to wait and to answer Amein before the Chazan finishes. Amein in kaddish is referring to what the chazan said earlier-either ba'agalah uvizman kariv (swiftly and soon) or da'amiran b'alma (that are uttered in the world).
( סעיף ח, ס"ק לד-לה; וראה ביה"ל ד"ה מיד; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 59; וראה שם 55)
Hearing the beracha
A person should not respond Amein to a beracha that he is required to recite unless he hears it, with the intention of fulfilling his obligation through that person's beracha. Individuals are not obligated to recite the berachos of chazaras hashatz since these berachos were already recited in everyone's personal Shemoneh Esrei. There is, however, an opinion which considers the berachos of chazaras hashatz incumbent on each individual because Chazal mandated a repetition. Therefore, it is best for a person to hear at least the end of each beracha in order to answer Amein. (Ideally, one should listen to the entirety of every beracha of chazaras hashatz, as has been previously discussed.) According to the Mechaber, bedieved one can answer Amein to a beracha that he did not hear at all, whereas according to the Rama, he must at least know which beracha was being said.
( סעיף ח, ס"ק לא ו־לג, וביה"ל ד"ה וזה; וראה עוד בביה"ל שם)

  • When responding Amein, a person should bear in mind that he is confirming the validity of the beracha and endorsing it.
  • The alef of Amein should be pronounced with a kamatz (long o sound) in order for the word to have its intended meaning (i.e. "confirmation"). It should not be pronounced with a different vowel, and certainly not with a sheva, because that will corrupt the meaning. The Amein should also not be swallowed into the beracha-i.e. the response should not begin until the beracha is completed.
  • In general, every time a person hears a beracha it is proper to respond baruch Hu uvaruch Shemo. It should not be said where interruptions are forbidden (e.g. in the middle of pesukei d'zimra, kriyas Shema or Hallel).


  • Amein on a child's beracha

  • Pausing between berachos

  • Answering Amein louder than the beracha




PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
