Looking for EXCELLENT Bible study curriculum for children and youth?

What is excellent Bible study curriculum? 
the student is engaged and grows as an intelligent, biblically-informed disciple and
the teacher has a flexible, creative, theologically-sound, age appropriate resource.
How do you identify that curriculum? 

Ask yourself if a curriculum offers...
>ways to develop thinking skills so that students are encouraged to ask questions, seek answers, and grow in their understandings

>teaching methods and activities for all ways of learning

>concise, in-depth Bible background

> spiritual practices woven in for both teachers and students

> easy to follow lesson plans and helpful teaching tips
>a home connection component

>an approach that builds relationships between peers and between    generations

>theology that is consistent with the great themes of the Bible

> interpretation of scripture that is consistent with the process of    interpretation taught in your church

>biblical material related to real life situations of your children and        youth

GenOn Ministries' Faith for Life Bible study curriculum offers ALL this in a permanent, downloadable format. 

Others offer dated material that is purchased every quarter or every year. Permanent curriculum is taught as each grade (or combination of grades) enters that level, so is only purchased once.
When Faith for Life was being written, the managing editors Donald and Patricia Griggs framed the task and challenged the writers with these questions:
What is most important for students to know by the time they finish 8th grade?

What are the developmental characteristics of each age group?

What are the skills each grade level is learning in school?

What are the appropriate Bible/theological subjects for each grade level?

Faith for Life is for those teaching Kindergarten through  8th grade in LOGOS (and other midweek ministries), Sunday school or Christian schools. Course 8 is particularly appropriate as a confirmation course. 

Our Kindergarten course was introduced last fall, revised courses for grades 1-4 will be ready for fall 2016, and revised courses for grades 5-8 for fall 2017. 

Current versions will be "retired" as the revised versions become available. Our revised courses have the same commitment to deep faith formation with a fresher look and easier layout for teachers.
Click HERE to read more about Faith for Life and to download a free sample session of the Teacher's Guides for Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Let us know (by responding to this message) if you'd like to be notified as soon as the revisions become available.

Churches purchasing Faith for Life courses after 7/2014 will receive the revised version of the same course at a reduced cost. Please inquire. 

 GenOn Ministries | 877.937.2572 |   [email protected] |   GenOnMinistries.org