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 Hilchos Tefilla 109 (page 275)
 מאמצע סעיף א והוא הדין עד תחילת סימן קי

Davening Along with the Chazan
Answering to Other Kedushos During Shemoneh Esrei
Pacing Oneself When Davening with the Chazan

Davening along with the chazan
Someone who cannot wait until after kedusha, etc., to begin davening (e.g. zman tefilla is about to pass) can daven along with the chazan as he recites his repetition. When the chazan reaches kedusha, the person should recite the entire kedusha including l'dor vador (according to nusach Ashkenaz, and Atah Kodosh in nusach Sfard). Since nowadays most people follow the custom of reciting the entire kedusha, doing so together with the chazan under the circumstances described above is permissible l'chatchila if a person starts together with the chazan and b'dieved if he starts after the chazan. If a person will not have another opportunity to respond to kedusha, he is permitted to do so l'chatchila. The poskim discuss whether it is permissible to pause during Shemoneh Esrei until the chazan reaches kedusha so as to recite it along with him.
( סעיף ב, ס"ק יא ו־יד, וביה"ל ד"ה אם, ד"ה אבל וד"ה שאין; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 24 ו־26)
Answering to other kedushos during Shemoneh Esrei
According to some poskim, it is permissible for a person who is reciting kedusha in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei along with the chazan to recite it in a loud voice. He may not, however, recite the kedusha d'sidra (in Uva L'tzion) or kedusha d'yotzer (in birchos kriyas Shema) with the tzibur. According to the Mechaber, it is permissible to respond to the kedusha of Musaf during the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis. According to the Rama and others, one cannot answer the kedushos of sidra or yotzer during Shemoneh Esrei because those are merely a recounting of kedusha but not the actual tefilla. It is, however, permissible to answer to the kedusha of Musaf which is a true kedusha. (He should recite the complete kedusha, as discussed above.)  Some poskim permit-but do not require-someone who hears kedusha from a different minyan to respond in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei.
( סעיף ג וס"ק טו-יז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 27)
Pacing oneself when davening with the chazan
Ideally, someone davening along with the Chazan should recite each word together with the chazan and not read ahead at all. However, he may go ahead once he finishes kedusha if this will allow him to finish in time to respond amen to Shomea Tefilla; otherwise, he should pace himself to recite each beracha along with the chazan. Likewise, he may go ahead after kedusha if he will be able to recite Modim d'rabonon along with the congregation; otherwise, he should pace himself to recite it and bow along with the chazan. It is important that he bow for Modim along with the rest of the congregation so as not to appear to be a heretic who denies the need to serve Hashem. According to some contemporary poskim, a person who is davening with the chazan should recite the entire Shemoneh Esrei in the same nusach as the chazan, or at least use his nusach until Hake-l Hakodosh. The poskim discuss whether davening with the chazan can be considered tefilla b'tzibur, or whether it is viewed merely as an enhanced tefilla, better than davening alone but not the same as davening with the tzibur.
( סעיף א-ב וס"ק ח, י, יא ו־יג; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 20 ו־23)

  • Someone who will begin Shemoneh Esrei after the congregation already started may do so only if he will be able to complete the entire tefilla in time to respond to kedusha, the amens following Hakel Hakadosh and Shomea Tefilla, modim derabonon and yehei shmei rabbah.
  • The poskim debate whether it is permissible for one who starts with the rest of the congregation to begin if he knows he will not complete his tefilla in time for these responses.
  • If a person hears devarim sh'bekedusha from two minyanim or is unable to wait to hear the devarim sh'bekedusha listed above because he must hurry to meet zman tefilla, he should attempt to recite at least some of them in the following order of importance: yehei sheme rabbah, kedusha, barechu, modim d'rabonon, and the amens of Hake-l Hakadosh and Shomea Tefilla.


  • The tefilla of Havineinu

  • When Havineinu may not be recited

  • Can contemporary employees recite Havineinu?



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.