It has been an interesting summer up here in North Idaho. They say the corn should be knee high by the 4th of July. Mine was over my head and already tasseling. This isn't Kansas but some days it is hard to tell. My garden has kept me pretty busy especially keeping it watered. Plants designed for our area don't know what to do. And don't even mention my flowers, except those that are trying to take over the vegetables. The flower garden itself is on speed, things bloom and are gone, stuck in fast forward. And the deer are acting like it is August with where they want to browse. Unfortunately, with all the hot dry weather I'm not going to be surprised if the bears hit my orchard, the wild berries may be scarce. It is time to be getting in the winter's hay and firewood but the heat makes it hard to be outside most of the day. My sons have a huge pile just waiting for me to stack it in the wood shed.. that is my job. Another one of my summer exercise programs. Maybe this week
right? On another note, having lost my red heeler sidekick some months ago, a mature blue heeler lady has signed on to be my new shadow. Boogie navigates in the vehicles, keeps the bad guys out of the garden when I am out there, (no Boogie, farm cats are not bad guys) checks for mice in the flowerbeds, thanks a lot, and in general makes sure we are running this place right. And I am getting some short rides in on the horses, but only very early in the mornings. Sonny and Feather would rather decorate the shade most of the day.
And this place is just busy with fawns this year. They are everywhere!
I hope to see you at our show if you can make it. If you have any questions about any of my sculptures, don't hesitate to email or call me 208 265 9613. I will be happy to work with you. More photos of all sculptures are available if you'd like them, just let me know.
Have a great summer,