Weekly Postings
March 25 - April 3, 2016
In This Issue
Palm Sunday at Saint Paul's

This Sunday Easter Sunday March 27
  Our Schedule This Sunday      
9:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with the Saint Paul's, Canterbury, and St. Nicholas Choirs
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Continental Breakfast in Tyler Hall
Following the 9:00 AM service
Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Lawn
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II
with the Saint Paul's Choir
Following the 11:00
AM Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
The lessons for this Sunday  are Isaiah 65:17-25; Acts 10:34-43; and John 20:1-18.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 27, Following the 9:00 AM service
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Lawn will be held immediately following the 9:00 am service on Easter Morning. We will meet on the front Portico for an annual picture prior to dividing into groups by age for the hunt. 

Easter Celebration of 

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

Sunday at 5:30 PM

Eryn Eubanks and the Family Fold  will be 
our guest musicians. 

Next Week March 28 - April 3
Annual Easter Monday Parish Meeting
Monday,  March 28, 12:00 noon, Front Steps
Our Colonial Charter and Bylaws call for an Annual Parish Meeting on Easter Monday. You are invited to our 266th Annual Parish Meeting, Monday, March 28, 12 noon on the Front Portico. The Churchwardens, Members of the Vestry, and Officers of the Parish will be installed.
Easter & Masters' Week Schedules
There will be no Christian Formation Classes or EYC on Easter Sunday, March 27 or for the two Sundays that bracket the Masters' Tournament and Spring Break. Christian Education will resume April 17.
The Parish Office will close at 12:00 noon on Easter Monday and will be closed the week of April 4-8. Frs. Muir and Jenkins will leave instructions on their office voice mails for any pastoral emergencies. 
Confirmation Forms
The Right Reverend Scott A. Benhase will make his annual visit to Saint Paul's on Sunday, April 17, for Confirmation at the 11 am service. If you plan to participate in the Rites of Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation, please complete and return to the Parish Office a Confirmation Information Form.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers 
May 1 is an open Sunday, as well all Sundays in June except Sunday, June 26. If you would like to sponsor the flowers in thanksgiving or memory of someone special, please contact  Lynn Mays or Clint Carroll
Looking Ahead 
Bishop Benhase Annual Visit to Saint Paul's
Sunday, April 17
The Right Reverend Scott A. Benhase will make his annual visit to Saint Paul's on Sunday, April 17, for Confirmation. Please join us for a conversation with the Bishop in the Adult Forum at 10:00 AM in the Berlin Room. We will hold one morning service at 11:00 AM The Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion Service will be held Sunday evening at 5:30 PM.
Welcome to Saint Paul's 
Sunday, April 24, 10:00 AM
New to Saint Paul's or just new again? Each quarter we provide a casual opportunity to meet some of our staff, find answers to your questions, and learn how you can get involved in the activities of the church. Please join us Sunday, April 24, at 10 AM in the Parlor.
Senior Sunday
Sunday, May 1
Parents of Graduating High School Seniors: Senior Sunday is May 1.   Please contact the church as soon as possible if your son or daughter is interested in being included in this service.
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, April 23

Spring Prime Time Party (Adults 50+)

Sunday, April 24

Spring Gathering (Adults Under 50)
Sunday, May 6

Parish Picnic Sunday
 May 22
March 2016
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.
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