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 Hilchos Tefilla 108 (page 274)
 מתחילת סימן קט עד אמצע סעיף א והוא הדין

Responding to Devraim Sh'bekedusha
Starting Shemoneh Esrei After the Rest of the Congregation
Selecting Between Devraim Sh'bekedusha

Responding to devarim sh'bekedusha
Someone who will begin Shemoneh Esrei after the congregation already started may do so only if he will be able to complete the entire tefilla (including E-lokai, netzor) in time to respond to kedusha, the Amens following Hakel Hakadosh and Shomea Tefilla, modim derabonon, and yehei shmei rabbah of the first kaddish after Shemoneh Esrei. (According to some poskim, this list also includes every kaddish up to the final barechu that is recited after Shacharis and Ma'ariv in some congregations; other poskim add birkas kohanim to the list.)  If he cannot complete Shemoneh Esrei in time for these responses, he must wait until after responding to all of them before beginning his davening. If he is in the middle of birchos kriyas Shema he must be careful to avoid pausing for as long as it would take to complete the berachos. (He should instead proceed with davening, stopping to insert several small breaks rather than one long one.) If the davener has already completed the beracha of go'al Yisrael, he should continue davening without waiting at all. If the tzibur is up to modim derabonon, he should bow along with them.
( סעיף א, ס"ק ב, ה ו־ו, וביה"ל ד"ה לקדושה; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3 ו־11)
Starting Shemoneh Esrei after the rest of the congregation
Making sure that one has enough time for kedusha and the Amens following Hakel Hakadosh and Shomea Tefilla is required only if he has not already responded to those passages yet and does not anticipate hearing them later in the day. The poskim discuss whether the same is true of kaddish. The poskim debate whether it is permissible for one who wishes to start with the rest of the congregation to begin if he knows he will not complete his tefilla in time for these responses. Many poskim permit one to start Shemoneh Esrei as the chazan begins his repetition, to recite kedusha along with the chazan, and to pace oneself to conclude Hakel Hakadosh and Shomea Tefilla together with the chazan. A person should aim to reach the beginning or end of modim at the time that the congregation begins modim d'rabonon.
( ס"ק ב, ה ו־ז, וביה"ל ד"ה הנכנס; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 7, 10)
Selecting between devarim sh'bekedusha
Someone who hears devarim sh'bekedusha from two minyanim or is unable to wait to hear the devarim sh'bekedusha listed above because he must hurry to meet zman tefilla should attempt to recite at least some of them in the following order of importance: yehei sheme rabbah, kedusha (if his minyan will reach kedusha before kaddish or if he already responded to kaddish that day, responding to kedusha takes precedence), barechu, modim d'rabonon (some list modim d'rabonon before barechu;  if he will be able to bow later when the tzibur recites modim d'rabonon, barechu takes precedence), and the Amens of Hake-l Hakadosh and Shomea Tefilla (which take precedence over the Amens to other berachos). Responding to these passages is of greater importance than tefilla b'tzibur (this is the case, at least, when one is not commencing tefilla at the same time as the rest of the tzibur).
( ביה"ל ד"ה לקדושה; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 12)

  • The poskim discuss whether or not someone who davened but made an error (e.g. he recited the weekday Shemoneh Esrei at Mincha on Shabbos or omitted ya'aleh v'yavo from Mincha on Rosh Chodesh) and did not realize his mistake until the day was over has fulfilled the basic obligation of tefilla. Therefore, he should daven with the stipulation that if the tefilla is not required, it should be considered voluntary.
  • According to some poskim, if someone realized on Shabbos that he had switched v'sein tal umatar and v'sein beracha at Mincha on erev Shabbos (and should have repeated the Shemoneh Esrei), the rules are the same as in the previous case. Other poskim hold that making an error in this beracha is considered as not having davened at all, and that, in this case, both opinions cited above would agree that a makeup tefilla is required on Shabbos.
  • If someone mistakenly recited ya'aleh 'yavo or al hanisim or the special passages inserted during aseres yemei teshuva that mention being written in the Book of Life on the wrong occasions, he should restart the beracha. If he already completed the beracha, he should continue on as usual.

  • Davening along with the chazan

  • Answering to other Kedushos during Shemoneh Esrei

  • Pacing oneself when Davening with the Chazan



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.