Los Angeles sheriff's deputies, 
residents  can restore trust

By George Hofstetter

Published on the L.A. Daily News Website:

While headlines over the last several years show that community trust in law enforcement is under stress, I believe the bigger issue is addressing how we arrived at this point.

All too often, special interest groups which criticize and demonize officers for having a "warrior mentality" or for being "trigger happy" are just bait for the groups looking to remain relevant. Additionally, all too often, entertainment, be it TV or film, provides a false narrative of what law enforcement does across the country.

The real question is, how do we address community distrust? The answer is quite simple: community policing, but not as the term is commonly used.

Policing in America started as a community volunteer watch system to warn of danger, supplemented by a paid force of constables supervising the watch and performing other duties. It was not until 1880s that police work became a full-time profession. Today, and especially in California, our widespread population results in little personal interaction between police and much of the public. Instead, public attitudes towards police are shaped by the media and popular entertainment.

The traditional view of community policing is of deputies or police officers walking beats and interacting directly with residents in the neighborhoods they patrol. However, while those brief interactions may change some perceptions, what we need is a community engaging at a deeper level with local law enforcement. What is needed are community members who are involved with their local sheriff's or police department by volunteering at the local station or joining the local civilian advisory board.

The principle goal of law enforcement - keeping residents safe and secure - is best accomplished by working directly with community stakeholders and other agencies to solve community problems that cause crime. There is no better way to do this than to create a two-way street of respect and understanding between law enforcement and the communities we serve. That is best done by having residents who are fully informed about their department's policies and practices, and who know their local law enforcement personnel.

The only contact most residents have with law enforcement is when they summon the police to deal with a problem, are victims of a crime, or perhaps receive a traffic citation. Residents can better understand their local law enforcement personnel through first-hand interactions outside "official" situations. This approach enables law enforcement to interact with residents in relaxed, tension-free environments, where calm and rational discussion can flourish. Deputies and officers are able to benefit as well by interacting in informal environments with the community, allowing them to hear and understand the needs and perspectives of the people they serve.

The cornerstone of effective law enforcement is a community that has trust in its deputies and officers. Law enforcement agencies throughout the nation recognize this, and are actively looking for ways to shape their policies and procedures for the better.

George Hofstetter is president of the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS); [email protected].

This article first appeared in the Los Angeles Daily News on April 6, 2016.

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