The Rev. David Lynch; Rector; Episcopal Church of the Resurrection; Blue Springs, MO
From the Rector . . .                         April 3, 2016

Fr. David Lynch _
Fr. David Lynch
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ...
Alleluia! Christ is Risen indeed!...
The Alleluias and Bells are back. The adornments in the church have returned and we are in the joyous mode of celebrating Easter!
I am so very grateful for all the hard work done by all the volunteers who made the weeks of Lent and Holy Week so special and wonderful for our parish community to worship.
It is so important to acknowledge the work done by our Altar Guild, Hospitality Committee, Vaughn and the Choir, our Acolytes and Servers, Readers and Ushers and the members of the Vestry, all of whom have participated and committed time and energy to the beauty and holiness of all that represents Resurrection Church.
I am also so very pleased and blessed by all who have attended and participated as worshipers in the many services throughout Lent, Holy Week and the Easter week end.
As our festivities culminate in the installation of your new rector, I am humbled by all of you who have so wonderfully welcomed Debbie and me into this parish. I anticipate great things to come in our future together and I pray that God continues to bless us as we build our relationships as a parish community and as a greater spiritual force throughout Blue Springs and surrounding communities.
The work of the church is always busy and at times may seem overwhelming; and it is through the commitments and prayers from those, like all of us, who can make a difference in the needs of our communities.
You know that feeling you get, even though you are exhausted, when you know that what you have done has been meaningful and gratifying? Well that is how I feel about my interaction with you in these first months together at Resurrection Church. This feeling continues to energize me to imagine our future together.
As we grow into this new year I look forward to engaging our parish to consider the possibilities for building a future that includes our youth and youngsters in parish activities and programs. I am excited for the possibilities to grow a Christian education program that addresses all age groups and fits into a time frame that accommodates people's schedules commitments.
We are in a great position as a parish, with the future to do things that can affect the lives of people in need, as well as people who are searching for church family.
Thanks to all of you! We are blessed by God in our relationships with each other, and we are charged with the message of Christ to go forth into the world sharing his Good News!

Fr. David