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February 2016
Start Training for This Fun 5K

Carolina Foothills Resort announces their 2nd Annual Buck Creek Streak - 5K run! A 'clothing optional', 5K Endurance run open to the public on June 11, 2016. The course is hilly throughout the trails that surround the resort and along the dirt roads surrounding the campground. Then over Buck Creek via Friendship Crossing bridge, through the meadow and back.
Nudes in the News
Imagine being 59 years old and going to a nude beach for the first time in your life. Such was the situation of Sandra LaMorgese when her friends encouraged her to join them at Gunnison Beach, NJ. Read about her experience and maybe invite a friend the next time you head out to enjoy life without additives. 

Midwinter Get Together in RI
Come join the fun at Dyer Woods Campground in Rhode Island for a midwinter get together on February 27th at 10 am. Come hang out with old friends and new. We will be playing cards and pool, along with other great games. Come relax in our wood fired sauna or hike our wooded trails. We will be having a pot luck lunch, so bring your favorite dish or dessert to share. Since it is so close to the end of winter we are going to try (weather permitting) to have the hot tub up and running for this event. 

Just like last time we will be offering a special discounted day rate of $10.
Virginia Nudist Resort Job Opportunities
White Tail Resort in Ivor, VA, is seeking to immediately employ an experienced cook and waitstaff for their full service restaurant. Weekend and holiday work will be required. Must either have or obtain a current Virginia Food Service Employee Permit (Food Handler's card) issued by the Suffolk, Franklin, Isle of Wight or Southampton Health Departments.

Contact Bob Roche at 757-859-6123 or by email to

Nude Beach Petition - Sign On!

Thanks to everyone who signed a petition for a public nude beach in North Carolina. 436 have signed so far. The goal is to get 500 by the end of February. Please tell people about and sign the petition. Please do not sign more than once. Thanks. 

Read more >

February's Quote
" Never before did I get so close to Nature; never before did she come so close to me... Nature was naked, and I was also..." ~Walt Whitman
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