Latest News from Casa de Ester!!!
Message from Directors

Dear friends and family,

The month of February ended with our first ever Casa de Ester Retreat! 
Hiking to El Cajon
We loaded up the vehicles and took the girls to a retreat center on the banks of Lago Yojoa. The long weekend was filled with times of worship and prayer. During the daytime, we went on adventures to El Cajon (a large hydroelectric dam with thermal springs nearby)  and to Joya Grande (a fantastic zoo full of beautiful wildlife). During the mornings and evenings, the staff led a "Questions & Answers" panel during which the girls anonymously submitted questions to be met with
El Cajon
Biblical responses and discussed as a group. 
The staff also presented skits and a lesson on the personal intimacy of worship and prayer.

The month of March has flown by! The girls
are busy with school and homework. Despite having to wake up extra early, they love their afternoon schedule after switching to attend school in the mornings. During Semana Santa (Holy Week), we took the girls to a nearby pond for an afternoon of swimming and fishing (somewhat foreign to the  girls). One of the girls even caught a fish - first ever! On Good Friday, we toured the artistic sawdust carpets of Comayagua (made of colored sawdust/sand, wood
White Bengal at Zoo
shavings, and other creative materials).
During the month of March, the
administrative staff of Casa de Ester had the opportunity to attend the "Manos Que Sanan" (Hands That Heal) conference. The conference primarily addressed the issues of human trafficking, human trade, and exploitation (both sexual and labor). It was a profoundly educational experience for our team and we took away many positives
from the conference. The resources received and connections made will have a great impact 
on the ministry.

With love from Honduras!

- Michael and Valina Perry
New Girls

Casa de Ester welcomed three new girls into the home during the month of March.  Two of the girls have experienced incredible hardships during their lives in the orphan care system.  The other girl is experiencing freedom from a decade of cruelty and abuse.  Please join us in praying over the process of recovery and healing for each girl.
Welcome Rebeca!

Casa de Ester has been blessed over the years through our partnership with psychiatrist, Dr. Fernando. He is an incredibly gifted and wise counsel for our team.  He has been on call for many challenging situations. We are grateful for his continued partnership with CdE.
For the last two years, we have had the dream of providing full-time psychological care onsite at Casa de Ester. We prayed for a Christian, female psychologist who would provide dedicated care to the girls while exhibiting a strong example of a Honduran woman with an active faith. Last year we shared our vision with Fellowship of Montgomery, and they took it upon themselves to help make that vision a reality. It is with great joy and gratitude that we welcome Rebeca to the staff of Casa de Ester!

As 2 Corinthians 6:12 states: "So two good things will result from this ministry of giving - the needs of the believers will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God." We are truly grateful for the faithful support of our partners.
New Social Media Guidelines

During our attendance of the "Manos que Sanan" conference, the Lord affirmed in our hearts the answer to an issue we have been wrestling with over the years. The issue is how to effectively and appropriately navigate the rivers of social media. While social media can be a powerful tool, it can also become a dangerous weapon in the hands of those who wish to do harm.
As a ministry, photos and videos allow us to bridge the expanse between us and those who partner with us. We have an opportunity to share the beautiful smiles and show the visible transformation that the girls experience through God's redemption.
For the girls, newfound relationships with visiting team members did not have to end. Although restricted to 10 minutes per week, the girls could read an encouraging note or send an "hola!" to a friend on Facebook.
There are many conveniences that come from being connected via social media. However, as many are well aware, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy - using any methods available.
Casa de Ester has grown to be recognized by Honduran authorities as a safe, Christian home with high standards and operational merit. The Lord continues to lead at-risk victims to our doorstep. The ongoing safety of our girls must be a top priority, as well as protecting against revictimization or unhealthy bonding.
The Lord has protected this ministry, and we have full faith in His continued covering. In that, He has made it clear that we must do our part in reducing the exposure of the girls to a public network.
Therefore, many changes will be taking place to our website, Facebook, and social media presence. We humbly ask for your full support and understanding as we take these steps to safeguard the ministry.
Our social media presence will not disappear completely. Instead, we will be on a quick learning curve in communicating the happenings of the ministry through written words and visual aides while protecting the identity of the girls and staff. We will be removing identifiable pictures of girls and will not post identifiable pictures in the future.

What are we asking from you? Existing photos or posts do not need to be deleted, but please untag Casa de Ester or individual girls in any existing photos or posts. Also, please delete any photos that may offer clear references to the ministry location (less common). Please feel free to share newsletters and future CdE posts. We will ask future visitors not to post identifiable photos to Facebook.

Please feel free to share our newsletters and future posts and pictures posted to the CdE website and Facebook page.

The girls will no longer have Facebook profiles (pray for that conversation!). On that note - going forward - if you wish to communicate with any of the girls or Honduran staff, please direct your messages to [email protected] .
Project Central

City Transition Home:  $12,000 annual ($1,000 monthly) + $3,000 one-time for launch  
If you would like to help make this city transition home a reality, make your donation via:  and write "Transition" in the notes section.
Prayer Requests/Praises

- Praises for the addition of our psychologist, Rebeca! Join us in praying over her as she embarks upon a new journey with Casa de Ester and begins the challenging, yet fruitful work of walking alongside each girl down the road to recovery and restoration found in Jesus Christ.
- Prayers for upcoming trip to the USA for CdE Directors. They will be visiting existing and prospective partners, sharing the vision and recent progress of the ministry, and receiving specialized training to bring back to Casa de Ester.

- Prayers for the newest girls to Casa de Ester. While we believe CdE is a breath of fresh air, sometimes that breath can seem like a whirlwind of change to a girl arriving to the home.
Financial Update


 FEB START BALANCE: $15,515 (+$13,000 restricted)
- FEB EXPENSES: $13,938 (Actual vs. $13,350 Forecast)
+ FEB DONATIONS: $21,885
=FEB END BALANCE: $23,462 (+$13,000 restricted)
$12,700 (basic operating expenses)
+ 120 (**psychologist partial month**)
+ $500 (**house repairs/appliances/furniture**)
$10,762 (+$12,380 restricted)
*All amounts for expenses/funds required are inclusive of the ~5% Allegro admin fee*
**Indicates expense covered by specified donation, designated, or restricted funds**
US->HN Phone: (210) 399-9369