Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 90 March 2016 

These amazing snow sculptures are bound to make you smile! 'Snowpy' may be my favorite.  If you need to stay warm this month, perhaps you can whip up this fabulous book quilt.  I am lucky enough to have some quilts handed down to me by my family.  Right before my mother died, she gave me a Whig Rose quilt that was made before the Civil War by Henriette Harrison Reeser.  She also gave me a Double Wedding Ring quilt made by my grandfather's mother before 1934.   They are treasures.  I wonder if my mother knew she was going to die because she wanted to make sure I knew the history of the quilts and that I would take good care of them.  I promise you I will. Click here to see some of my quilts.
MY DREAM LIBRARY would be a circular affair with stairs leading up to a circular cat walk loaded with books.  It would all be cherry wood with fabulous windows and a skylight.  And the best part would be the books!  Sadly, we have moved so much and books are so heavy that I've always had to give away lots and lots of books before each move.  So my 'library' is only three little bookshelves.  But check out this fabulous library belonging to the equally fabulous Neil Gaiman.  Tell me about your dream library on Facebook and I'll send one dreamer a hardback copy of my newest book, The Crook and The Crown.  Need some inspiration?  Check out these rad bookshelves and these coolest bookshelves ever.
Ever wanted to be on the selection committee for the ILA Children's Choice Awards?  Here's how to sign up.  And if you like to write, here's an opportunity to write for a Christian online magazine. 

The very first Multicultural Children's Book Day #ReadYourWorld was a big success.  A mother of twins passed on this mermaid treasure hunt and lovely review of A Tale of Two Sisters.  'This creative look at life under the sea is filled with a glossary worth (see the appendix) of ocean terminology. A delightful combination of real life common issues, playful mer-language, and intriguing oceanography topics. This is a fun read for any early elementary schooler with a big sister, an interest in marine life, or the desire to get lost in a fantastical mermaid tale.'
READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY WAS MARCH 2ND AND DR. SEUSS' BIRTHDAYHere are some fun ways to celebrate any time.  I personally love the cat's hat kabobs!
I'm grateful to Elias Tafwed for creating Bailey School Kids Day on March 23rd.  Every year he had a party in his backyard with friends to celebrate reading the BSK!  Hope you can celebrate as well with some of his ideas and mine.