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Number 3March 14, 2012
Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Howard County

Just Say KNOW:


KNOW what is being said in Howard County: 


Anonymous Howard County teens tell parents:


"I don't think anyone our age (teens) drinks for enjoyment. They drink for the outcome."


"Behavior tells all. Drugs don't discriminate. If things start to change - worry. Know your kids' friends, trust instincts; don't make kid feel worse."


"Parents, talk to your kids out of love and not anger."





"I love speaking at HC DrugFree events because of the tremendous positive support. Their staff promotes the events in such a professional way that it generates a ton of excitement.  It also enhances the prevention message to have such a great lead in."


Matt Bellace, PhD, Motivational Speaker & Comedian


matt bellace w Joan



"The idea of Senior Week is scary for parents.  The

HC DrugFree program about Senior Week provides crucial information to help parents and seniors establish ground rules, navigate the planning, and understand the very important legal distinction between 17 and 18 year olds pertaining to illegal activities, including drinking and driving, underage drinking and drug possession."






Upcoming Events

March 2012


Kick Butts Day

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kick butts and quit smoking today!


HC DrugFree/HoCo Film Festival

Winners announced

Friday, March 23, 2012

Johns Hopkins APL

more info



"Senior Week"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 7:00pm

Wilde Lake High School

James Rouse Theater

more info


"Senior Week"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012, 7:00pm

Mt. Hebron High School


more info


April 2012


HC DrugFree Teen Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting

Monday, April 16, 2012

more info


National Take-Back Initiative

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Several Locations around Howard County

more info


May 2012


HC DrugFree Teen Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting

Monday, May 7, 2012

more info


June 2012


Howard County Men's Health Fair

Saturday, June 9, 2012,

10:00am - 2:00pm

Howard High School

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 for as little as $25 for an individual, $50 for a family or a non-profit, $100 for a business.


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of HC DrugFree

for as little as $500.


Judge William Tucker 
Congratulations and Thank You!
HC DrugFree Board Member, Judge William Tucker, pictured with HC DrugFree's Executive Director Joan Webb Scornaienchi in February 2012 at the Investiture of William Tucker as Associate Judge of the Circuit Court for Howard County.


The Board of Directors and staff of HC DrugFree congratulate Judge William V. Tucker on his recent appointment by Governor O'Malley to the Circuit Court for Howard County and thank him for serving on HC DrugFree's Board during the past 6years. If he looks familiar, that's because Judge Tucker can be seen and heard at HC DrugFree events throughout the county. He served as a panelist at several HC DrugFree programs during his time on the board as well as welcomed parents, answered impromptu questions from audience members, and spoke from his heart both as a father and member of our community. "Judge Tucker's kind but firm words provide encouragement, support, and great wisdom and the Board and staff of HC DrugFree are proud to say he serves on our Board," said Ms. Scornaienchi.


Judge Tucker was a Master in Chancery for the Circuit Court of Howard County from 2004 until his recent appointment. He spent seven years as a prosecutor for the Howard County State's Attorney's Office and received the "Distinguished Service Award" as "Prosecutor of the Year." He litigated family, juvenile, and criminal law matters as a private litigator. Prior to attending law school, Judge Tucker served as a police officer in Hillsborough Township, New Jersey. In June, he will complete his 6th year on HC DrugFree's Board and will remain as an advisor to both the Board and staff. Again, congratulations and thank you Judge Tucker!


Know the Law...and the Reality

Is it ok to drive after having only a few drinks?

Quick Answer - Technically it is legal to drink and drive in Maryland. However, beware Maryland gives you just enough rope to hang yourself!

Long Answer - As an attorney dedicating substantial time to the field of criminal defense and DUI defense, I remain shocked at the number of clients who come to me completely uninformed on the laws pertaining to alcohol usage while driving. In fact, the most common rationale for why my clients have ended up charged is, "I waited an hour after my last drink and I felt fine." This brief article will serve to inform the masses that Maryland is essentially a zero tolerance state.


Real Answer - First, it is essential to understand that it is not only illegal in MD to drive with above a .08 (driving under the influence), but also illegal and jailable to drive with .06 breath level (driving while impaired). For many people, a .06 blood alcohol level can be reached after a single beer, shot, or glass of wine. Contrary to popular belief, the proverbial one-hour waiting period is simply not enough. Blood alcohol absorption can be affected by the sex of a drinker, the body fat percentage of the drinker, the size and weight of the drinker, the amount of food in the body, the food in one's system, etc. This brings me back to my zero tolerance contention - if a single beer can cause one to be charged with DWI, the general population should be advised that NO DRINKING is tolerable before driving; i.e., zero tolerance. Allow me to expand:

A large portion of my clients are law abiding citizens who thought it was legal to go out and have a glass of wine or a few beers and drive home. Had they been advised that even a single drink could be illegal they never ever would have attempted to drive. People have the false sense that some alcohol before driving is legal. This contributes to a large number of first time DUI offenses in Howard County.


To rehash my theory, if the average law abiding citizen was advised that NO ALCOHOL was legal while behind the wheel, they would simply have nothing to drink before driving - significantly reducing the amount of DUI related incidents. On the other hand, Maryland residents are led to believe that some alcohol behind the wheel is legal. This article serves as my warning that ANY drinking before driving in Maryland, even in minute amounts, can lead to a serious jailable charge of driving while impaired or driving under the influence. To avoid serious charges, no alcohol should be consumed before driving.

The above information is not to be construed as legal advice. It is the opintion of David Zwanetz, Esq., HC DrugFree's Legal Advisor and Associate Attorney at the law firm of Shapiro & Mack who focuses primarily on criminal defense, juvenile defense, and DUI defense. 
Know How You Can Make a Difference


On behalf of the Howard County Health Department, HC DrugFree is coordinating a new Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework (MSPF) Coalition to address underage drinking and alcohol related crashes involving youth in Howard County. The goal of the Coalition is to implement environmental change in a target area within the county in such a way that it can later be expanded to include the whole county. If you are interested in serving on the coalition, please contact Joan Webb Scornaienchi at

HC DrugFree at or



KNOW the Dangers
Mother Speaks Out About Underage Drinking After
13 year-old's Death

Know the Risks


Free alcohol brochures available from

HC DrugFree.


Although pre-mixed caffeinated alcoholic beverages were banned by the FDA last year, many young people simply mix their own or order one of these popular cocktails at parties, bars and clubs. Journeyworks' bestselling title, Alcohol and Energy Drinks, describes the tough toll this dangerous combo can take on teens and young adults, and encourages readers to make smarter, healthier choices. . .


Young people who mix alcohol and energy drinks are three times more likely to binge drink. They also are more likely to be involved in sexual assault (as perpetrators or victims) and alcohol-related accidents. And they are more likely to underestimate their level of impairment, which can lead to increased consumption and alcohol poisoning. Alcohol and Energy Drinks uses a fact-based approach to raise awareness and urge readers to stop and think before they drink.



To request a free copy of any of these brochures, send us an email at

 spanish alcohol


Si usted quiere una copia gratuita de uno de nuestros folletos solic�talo por correo electr�nico a, o llama al

443-325-0040 (puede dejar mensage en espa�ol).

Know What to Expect